How Strange It Is to Be Back Home

(Zara Kimono, Ay Not Dead Dress c/o Fabricly, Vintage Boots)

It feels so good to be back in LA! I spent the day just enjoying the weather and going to my favorite restaurants rather than unpacking.
I'm wearing a dress from a line called Ay Not Dead that Fabricly carries. I love the concept of online boutique. It’s very well curated with only a few selected up and coming designers’ clothes showcased and they handle everything from the sourcing of the fabric to creating the lookbooks. I can't wait to see what other brilliant designers they carry!


Not every song that will be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian” in the eyes of this world. For some will be anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviously ferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (in one way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear the message.

Everybody’s Talkin’
Harry Nilsson
Everybody’s talkin’ at me
I don’t hear a word they’re sayin’
Only the echoes
Of my mind
People stop and starin’
I can’t see their faces
Only the shadows
Of their eyes

I’m goin’ where the sun keeps shinin’
Through the pourin’ rain
Going where the weather
Suits my clothes
Bankin’ off of the northeast winds
Sailin’ on summer breeze
And skippin’ over the ocean
Like a stone

I’m goin’ where the sun keeps shinin’
Through the pourin’ rain
Going where the weather
Suits my clothes
Bankin’ off of the northeast winds
Sailin’ on summer breeze
And skippin’ over the ocean
Like a stone

Everybody’s talkin’ at me
Can’t hear a word they’re sayin’
Only the echoes
Of my mind
I won’t let you leave
My love behind
No I won’t let you leave

I won’t let you leave
My love behind

Jump Into The Fire
Harry Nilsson
You can climb a mountain
You can swim the sea
You can jump into the fire
But you’ll never be free
You can shake me up
Or I can break you down
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy

You can climb a mountain
You can swim the sea
You can jump into the fire
But you’ll never be free
You can shake me up
Or I can break you down
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy

You can climb a mountain
You can swim the sea
You can jump into the fire
But you’ll never be free
No no
You can shake me up
Or I can break you down
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy
We can make each other happy

Lyrics From: []

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I Drooled on My Monitor A Bit..


Photographer Rick Schultz was kind enough to send over these photos of his London flat that he shares with his partner and interior designer Jimmie Karlsson so I can share with you all.
I was speechless at first and it took awhile to take it all in because I absolutely love everything in this flat!
How amazing are the dark gray walls? It's the perfect backdrop for all the colorful furniture and accessories in their flat. The whole space is very masculine yet also very sexy and fun and I love how different this is and how everything is quite unexpected.
So curious what Rick and Jimmie are like in person because I have a feeling that they are extremely sexy and stylish!
Definitely head over to their websites (here & here) for more drool worthy pictures!

Come Monday...THE BEST EVER!!!

“Come Monday…” is a weekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about, websites, movies, documentaries, television shows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time. Be assured that these reviews will be generally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.” This is subject to change, however. In fact, I would be most derelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while. For rants promote change, and change can be good—right? Therefore, since good is generally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the parallel universes that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as being something positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Last week, I got fed-up with all of the over-hyping going on with the news coverage of the devastating tornado that tore through Joplin, MO eight days ago. So, I published a piece under the title of [The Numbing of America] on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.

Not that it needed more, but I actually forget to include the final straw for me. For it was after hearing a national correspondent report that the strongest winds ever recorded occurred during the Joplin tornado, and then he qualified his bold announcement by adding that an EF-5 is as high as the [Enhanced Fujita Scale] goes that I went on my rant. (No consideration for the fact that the Joplin tornado just made it over the 200 MPH threshold for an EF-5 when several tornados have had estimated speeds of over 300 MPH, of course.)

Alas, it has been brought to my attention that the over-hyping will get much worse before it gets any better. Therefore, I might as well join in on the fun, and I would like to present to you the best commercial to ever be broadcast.

Yes, there are several other very similar commercials out there. In fact, while doing some research, I found that the following commercial is probably a rip-off of those others, but why let facts get in the way of a good story—not to mention a great sound-bite?

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Le Visage d'un Autre

Titres alternatifs : The Face of another, Tanin no kao
Réalisé par Hiroshi Teshigahara
Avec Tatsuya Nakadai, Machiko Kyo, Mikijiro Hira
Drame, Sci-Fi

Okuyama a été défiguré dans un accident de travail. Contraint de se bander entièrement le visage, il perd goût à la vie et sa femme refuse ses avances. Son psychiatre lui propose alors de participer à une expérience : un masque complexe, véritable prothèse faciale, est créé pour Okuyama et lui redonne un visage. Désormais anonyme, il emménage dans une auberge modeste et cultive peu à peu une nouvelle vie sociale, testant les limites de son identité retrouvée…

Langue : japonais | Sous-titres : français (softsub, DVD Z2), anglais
1.4 Go

Télécharger Le Visage d'un Autre en VOSTFR :

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La Hyène Intrépide 1+2

Titre alternatif : Fearless Hyena
Hong Kong
Arts Martiaux

La Hyene Intrépide (1979) :

Réalisé par Jackie Chan, Kenneth Tsang
Avec Jackie Chan, James Tien, Dean Shek

Jackie Chan vit dans un village reculé, apprenant le Kung Fu avec son grand père. Lorsque celui-ci est tué par un ancien ennemi, Jackie s'entraine durement afin de le venger.

Le Cri de la Hyène (1983) :

Réalisée par Chuan Chen, Wei Lo
Avec Jackie Chan, Hui Lou Chen, Ka Sang Cheung

Deux redoutables combattants tendent un piège à une famille désemparée. Uniques rescapés du massacre, deux enfants sont recueillis séparément et tentent tant bien que mal d'oublier cette tragédie. Au fil des années, les deux frères s'appliquent à perfectionner leur apprentissage du Kung-fu. La maîtrise de leur technique va leur être d'une grande utilité lorsqu'ils sont confrontés aux assassins de leurs parents...

Langue : français (Films 1+2) ou cantonais (Film 1)
Sous-titres : français (softsub, DVD Z2), anglais (Film 1)
Note : Versions Intégrales, les VF contiennent certaines scènes coupées en VOSTFR.
700 Mo

Télécharger La Hyène Intrépide 1+2 en FR ou VOSTFR :

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Trilogie Public Enemy

Réalisé par Kang Woo-suk
Avec Kyung-gu Sol, Jun-ho Jeong, Shin-il Kang, Sung-jae Lee
Action, Drame, Policier

Public Enemy (2004) :

Kang Chol-Joon est un flic pourri. Il vole la drogue des dealers, raquette les suspects et tabasse ceux qui lui résistent. Cho, riche homme d’affaires, semble mener une vie exemplaire. Pourtant, coupable de plusieurs meurtres, il est également un dangereux psychopathe. Le duel va être impitoyable...

Another Public Enemy (2005) :

Le procureur Kang Chol-Joon, affilié au service des affaires criminelles parvient à arrêter trois chefs de gangs lors d'un affrontement général entre bandes rivales. Au cours d'un déjeuner avec son supérieur, il reconnaît à la télévision un ancien et détestable camarade de lycée, le dénommé Sang-Woo Han qui dirige depuis peu la célèbre fondation Myung-Sun. Le soupçonnant d'être arrivé au pouvoir de manière illégale, Kang décide alors d'enquêter sur lui.

Public Enemy Returns (2008) :

Kang Cheol-Jung pense à démissionner. Un meurtre dans un lycée l'oblige à rester en service quelque temps pour dénicher la personne qui vient régulièrement recruter des gangsters sur les bancs de l'école...

Langue : coréen | Sous-titres : français (softsub, DVD Z2 / Calorifix / Let's Rookie)
1.3 Go par Film

Télécharger La Trilogie Public Enemy en VOSTFR :
Fichiers Fileserve/Filesonic interchangeables

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Haunted Universities

Réalisé par Bunjong Sinthanamong
Avec Anna Reese, Pantila Fuglin, Atis Amornwetch

Quatre histoires horrifiques se déroulant dans des universités...

Langue : thaïlandais | Sous-titres : français (hardsub, par Stylasia)
700 Mo

Télécharger Haunted Universities en VOSTFR :

Aseria l'Eternelle

Réalisé par Naoto Hashimoto
Anime, Aventure, Drame, Fantastique

Yûto et Kaori vivent seuls depuis la mort de leurs parents. Transportés dans un autre monde grâce à un rayon lumineux le jour de ce triste anniversaire, Yuto se réveille en compagnie d'Aseria, Orfaril et Esperia au Royaume de Lachios ! Notre héros découvre que Kaori est retenue prisonnière par le Roi et l'unique moyen de la sauver est de défendre le Royaume en prenant possession de l'épée "Motomé". Une épée mythique que seul un étranger peut maîtriser. Le jeune garçon, qui se retrouve impliqué dans une guerre qui n'est pas la sienne, pourra t-il sauver sa sœur ? Et qui sont ces mystérieuses jeunes filles qui décident de combattre à ses côtés ?

Dual audio : français, japonais | Sous-titres : français (inclus)
200 Mo par épisode

Télécharger Aséria l'Eternelle en Dual audio :

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A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and me after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived.  Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again.  The link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.

 Link: [Øblog]

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$250 Giveaway

1. Le Mont St. Pullover
2. Lover Lace-trimmed Silk Shorts
3. Proenza Schouler PS1 Bag
4. House of Harlow Audrey Sunglasses
5. Jeffrey Campbell Rumble Boots

These are just some of the items that I've 'favorited' on in hopes that Wesley Mason will see my Beso profile and surprise me with anything on there!

Beso is giving away $250 for a lucky reader/visitor of my blog so here are the rules:

1. Create a Beso account, if you haven't already (literally takes 3 seconds)
2. Browse the site and favorite at least 10 items, you can favorite your most covet shops just by clicking here
3. Leave me a comment on this post with your Beso username

Giveaway ends in a week!

Alexa's Walking, Walking and Walking Too!


Trib Updates and SOS!

This is a weekly series that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have been published on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter. Hopefully, this will encourage you to go check out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a number of truly outstanding authors. Moreover, I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributing member/author, as well. The “Hear Ye! Hear Ye!” site explanation near the top of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.

 Along with the updates, there will be some commentary on some of the spam that has been sent my way, which is what the SOS! (Spam On Saturdays!) is all about. No, I do not expect to accomplish anything with the spammers. For if they understood what they are doing, surely they wouldn’t be doing it, but it will make me feel better, which is all that counts—right?

[The Last Pope?] contains a series of related videos about the coming antichrist.

[Any Thoughts?] contains just an image of Superman, with a caption that should sound very familiar to Christians.

[89 Fatalities So Far] is about the massive tornado that stuck Joplin, MO last Sunday.

[Islamic Terrorism and Pornography] is another very provocative article from Lavender Darwin.

[The Numbing of America] is a rant by me about how much over-hyping is going on in news reporting.

[Katy Perry and Sad Fathers] is from Lavender Darwin about seeing the cover of a Vanity Fair edition, and thinking about Katy Perry once being an innocent little girl.

[My Thoughts] contains the thoughts going through my head when I first saw that image of Superman, with a caption that should very familiar to Christians.

Office of the Senate House
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Committee on Foreign Payment
(Resolution Panel on Contract3 Payment)
Ikoyi-Lagos Nigeria.
Ref: fgn /snt/stb

Good day to you and your entire family,

This is to officially inform you that we have verified your inheritance file and found out that why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled the obligations given to you in respect of your contract/inheritance payment.

Secondly we have been informed that you are still dealing with the none officials in the bank your entire attempt to secure the release of the fund to you. We wish to advise you that such an illegal act like these have to stop if you wish to receive your payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem.

Right now we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment center Asia pacific that is the latest instruction from Mr. president, good luck Jonathan (GCFR) federal republic of Nigeria and FBI. This card center will send you an ATM Card which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM Machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is five thousand dollars per day, so if you like to receive your fund this way please let us know by contacting the international monetary funds department card payment center.  And also send the following information: to ATM swift card remittances centre Mrs. Patrick ann, for claims:

1. Full name:
2. Phone and fax number:
3. Home address for delivery:
4. Age:
5. Occupation:
6. Country:
7. Sex:

ATM Swift Card Remittance Centre ©
Mrs. Patrick Ann.,
Email address:

The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out {USD1.8 million} as part payment for this fiscal year 2011. Also for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment. For oral discussion, email me back as soon as you receive this important message or further direction and also update me on any development from the above-mentioned office.

Note that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (atm-822) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the card center by using it as your subject.

Kindest regards,
Mr. David mark.
Senate president©.

Well, I must admit that I am feeling rather stupid. For when I first received notification of this, I thought the ATM card was being issued by the federal government of the United States of America—not Nigeria! No wonder I was having so much trouble, which you can read about [here].

Now, if I can just find an ATM machine that recognizes PBC (Pidgin Binary Code), I can finally start living the life that I so richly deserve to. You wouldn’t happen to know where one is—would you?

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Sites To See

The SOLE purpose of this weekly series is to call attention to sites that I think many would find most interesting—in one way or another.  Just to be clear, inclusion in this series is not necessarily meant as a recommendation, and I have included sites that are rather disturbing to me.  The link below each image is to the site itself, and each image is linked to the particular post from which it was taken when applicable.  Please, go see for yourself.

 Link: [A La Carte]

 Link: [DJan-ity]

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