Sites To See

The SOLE purpose of this weekly series is to call attention to sites that I think many would find most interesting—in one way or another.  Just to be clear, inclusion in this series is not necessarily meant as a recommendation, and I have included sites that are rather disturbing to me.  The link below each image is to the site itself, and each image is linked to the particular post from which it was taken when applicable.  Please, go see for yourself.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

A Good Alternative


If you're running out of closet space like me, the Stolmen closet system from Ikea might be a good alternative.
Closet organization is definitely on top of my New Year's Resolution along trying to start eating healthy and working out.
What are yours?

Jethro Tull vs. Iron Maiden

Cross-Eyed Mary
Jethro Tull
Who would be a poor man
A beggar man
A thief
If he had a rich man in his hand
And who would steal the candy
From a laughing baby’s mouth
If he could take it from the money man

Cross-eyed Mary
Goes jumping in again
She signs no contract
But she always plays the game
She dines in Hampstead village
On expense account gruel
And the jackknife barber
Drops her off at school

Laughing in the playground
Gets no kicks from little boys
Would rather make it with a letching grey
Or maybe her attention
Is drawn by Aqualung
Who watches through the railings
As they play

Cross-eyed Mary
Finds it hard to get along
She’s a poor man’s rich girl
And she’ll do it for a song
She’s a rich man stealer
But her favor’s good and strong
She’s the Robin Hood of Highgate
Helps the poor man
Get along

Cross-eyed Mary

Cross-Eyed Mary
Iron Maiden
Who would be a poor man
A beggar man
A thief
If he had a rich man in his hand
And who would steal the candy
From a laughing baby’s mouth
If he could take it from the money man

Cross-eyed Mary
Goes jumping in again
She signs no contract
But she always plays it clean
She dines in Hampstead village
On expense account gruel
And the jackknife barber
Drops her off at school

Laughing in the playground
Gets no kicks from little boys
Would rather make it with a letching grey
Or maybe her attention
Is drawn by Aqualung
Who watches through the railings
As they play

Cross-eyed Mary
Finds it hard to get along
A poor man’s rich girl
And she’ll do it for a song
A rich man stealer
But her favor’s good and strong
She’s the Robin Hood of Highgate
Helps the poor man
Get along

Laughing in the playground
Gets no kicks from little boys
Would rather make it with a letching grey
Or maybe her attention
Is drawn by Aqualung
Who watches through the railings
As they play

Cross-eyed Mary
Goes jumping in again
She signs no contract
But she always plays it clean
She dines in Hampstead village
On expense account gruel
And the jackknife barber
Drops her off at school

Cross-eyed Mary

Oh Mary

Cross-eyed Mary

Lyrics From: []

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

WhiteHeart Wednesday

Link: [Inside]

MP3 Audio Player From: [BlogDumps Video]

Come One, Come All
Lookin’ for the camera man
Better keep on lookin’
No part to key upon today
Don’t fall for sleight-of-hand
You need an awakin’
You’ll have only you to blame

Look to the left
Nothin’ is right
You’re cryin’
You’re dyin’
Sick of even tryin’

Come one
Come all
Step into the knowin’
Come one
Come all
Come one
Come all
Since the time I’ve broken
Come one
Come all

No walls or barriers
Not for members only
It’s a Kingdom without end
So come even as you are
The broken and the lonely
Your heart must be born-again

You looked to the left
Nothin’ was right
You’re fakin’
You’re breakin’
Your whole world is shakin’

Come one
Come all
Step into the knowin’
Come one
Come all
Come one
Come all
Now’s the time I’m broken
Come one
Come all
Come one
Come all
The Spirit wind is blowin’
Come one
Come all

Come one
Come all
Step into the knowin’
Come one
Come all
Come one
Come all
The sands of time are flowin’
Come one
Come all
Come one
Come all
The Spirit wind is blowin’
Come on
Come all
Come one
Come all
Step into the knowin’
Come one
Come all

Come on
Come on

The Spirit wind is blowin’

Won’t you come on

One and all

Come one come all
Come one come all
Come one come all

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Disney World for the Plant Lovers

(H&M Metallic Sweater, Red Pants/Leggings from Le Jolie in Melrose, Steve Madden Platform Boots/Heels)
Found this amazing pottery place in Studio City while looking for Mc Donald's with my sister.


Not every song that will be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian” in the eyes of this world. For some will be anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviously ferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (in one way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear the message.

Living In The Past
Jethro Tull
And I’m smilin’
Walk a mile to
Drink Your water
You know
I’d love to love You
And above You
There’s no other
We’ll go
Walking out
While others shout
Of war’s disaster

We won’t give in
Let’s go living
In the past

I used to join in
Every boy and girl
Was my friend
There’s revolution
But they don’t know
What they’re fighting
Let us
Close our eyes
Outside their lives
Go on much faster

We won’t give in
We’ll keep living
In the past

We won’t give in
Let’s go living
In the past
Oh no
We won’t give in
Let’s go living
In the past

Thick As A Brick (Very Short Version)
Jethro Tull
Really don’t mind
If you sit this one out
My words
But a whisper
Your deafness
A shout
I may make you feel
But I can’t make you think
Your sperm’s in the gutter
Your love’s in the sink

So you ride yourselves over the fields
And you make all your animal deals
And your wise men don’t know how it feels
To be thick
As a brick

And the sandcastle virtues
Are all swept away
In the tidal destruction
The moral melee
The elastic retreat
Rings the close of play
As the last wave uncovers
The newfangled way

But your new shoes are worn at the heels
And your suntan does rapidly peel
And your wise men don’t know how it feels
To be thick
As a brick

And the love that I feel
Is so far away
I’m a bad dream
That I just had today
And you shake your head
And say it’s a shame

See there
A son is born
And we pronounce him fit to fight
There are blackheads on his shoulders
And he pees himself in the night
We’ll make a man of him
Put him to trade
Teach him to play Monopoly
And how to sing in the rain

The poet and the painter
Casting shadows on the water
As the sun plays on the infantry
Returning from the sea
The doer and the thinker
No allowance for the other
As the failing light illuminates
The mercenary’s creed
The home fire burning
The kettle almost boiling
But the master of the house
Is far away
The horses stamping
The warm breath clouding
In the sharp and frosty morning
Of the day
And the poet lifts his pen
While the soldier sheaths his sword
And the youngest of the family
Is moving with authority
Building castles by the sea
He dares the tardy tide
To wash them all aside

I’ve come down from the upper-class
To mend your rotten ways
My father was a man of power
Whom everyone obeyed

Lyrics From: []

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Come Monday...Vaya Con Dios, Entrecard

“Come Monday…” is a weekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, television shows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will be generally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.”  This is subject to change, however.  In fact, I would be most derelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can be good—right?  Therefore, since good is generally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the parallel universes that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as being something positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Just in case you missed it, I published [Eyeballin’ Entrecard] six weeks ago on account of how dissatisfied I had become with the service. Be assured that I really did hope that it would serve as another wake-up call, and that [Entrecard] would finally start to at least try to actually address some of the concerns that have been raised by many of their members.

No, I am very much not alone in my dissatisfaction. For hundreds have also voiced their concerns, and a click on the image above while reveal further proof of that.

Now, this is not to say that all of the criticism has been warranted. In fact, I was a loyal supporter of Entrecard when so many were screaming about them introducing paid advertisements to the mix. For I could see where that could potentially be a good money-maker for us all, but my hopes for that have been left unfulfilled.

No, it is not for that reason, but enough is enough. Therefore, I will be deleting my account and removing my Entrecard widget on January 1, 2011.

Be assured that the irony is not lost on me. For it was always upsetting to me to no longer find an Entrecard widget on one of the sites that I used to drop on every day, and now I have heard from several who have wanted me to stay with the service because this is where they frequently drop.

Alas, the battle has been raging in my head for weeks now, and it finally came down to a matter of who is serving who. For Entrecard benefits from my membership—even if only as another site to place a paid ad on while they have made it blatantly obvious that they have no desire to be of service to me by not even taking the time to acknowledge that they received my emails—let alone acting like they actually cared about what they [have said] that they cared about.

Just in case you are curious, links to most of the sites that I found to be in non-compliance of the official Entrecard [Blog Quality Standards] can be accessed [here]. Please keep in mind that it may be different with some now, but I am quite confident that the vast majority of them are still in non-compliance. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if many more sites could be added to the list now.

By the way, you may not be able to pull-up that Google Doc with the non-compliant sites if you are using Internet Explorer 8. It seems to do just fine with Firefox, but not so much with IE8.

Yes, it probably seems so petty, but it should make one wonder what a business that has made it so obvious that they are only concerned with what they consider to be in their best interest may be capable of. After all, I hear that there is money to be made from selling email addresses to spammers—amongst other things.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and me after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived.  Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again.  The link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.

 Link: [HoundsGood]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

The Wrath of God Repost

The following is another chapter from [Bittersweet Refinements].  Since each part is connected to the rest, it would do you well to keep reading (and listening for our Heavenly Father's explanations, of course).

The Wrath of God

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.  For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. [Romans 1:18-20 NIV]

Alas, is it not any wonder that our Heavenly Father would get so angry at those who do not want to even acknowledge His existence—let alone accept Him as truly being their own Heavenly Father.  For instead of just saying that He loves them enough to die for them, our Heavenly Father went ahead and actually did it by sending a full and equal part of Himself to suffer and die upon that cruel, cruel Roman cross at Calvary in order to pay the price in full that was required to redeem all of us from having to face the penalty of our own sins[1].

No, that is not something that is taken into account, and this is something that needs to change.  For it would portray our Heavenly Father in a much better light if it was much more widely taught that the absolute truth of the matter truly is that the wrath that will poured-out upon the ungodly, come Judgment Day[2], has so much more to do with the anguish of a broken heart (His heart, to be exact[3]) than it does with righteous indignation[4].

Yes, from our own very limited ground-based points-of-view[5], that sounds rather petty.  For who from amongst has the right to say of another, “If I cannot have them, then no one else will”?

On the other hand, are we not all the work of His hands[6], and should He not have the right to do with what He has created for His own good pleasure[7] as He sees fit?  After all, is it not a principle of common law that one has the right to do with their own property as they will as long as it does no harm to another’s property until it is deemed no longer lawful by a higher authority, and who has more authority than our Heavenly Father?  For it is written: “If he snatches away, who can stop him?  Who can say to him, ‘What are you doing?’’’ [Job 9:12 NIV]

In other words, we were all created by Him for Him[8].  Therefore, our Heavenly Father has the right to do with us as He wills[9].

Nonetheless, let us not dwell upon the threat of destruction[10].  For we were all created to spend all of eternity with our Heavenly Father in His Kingdom of Heaven as heirs to all that is His in glory, and all who will but want to truly be who we were all created to be has His promise to look forward to[11]!

{1}Romans 5:6-11; {2}Revelation 20:11-15; {3}Jeremiah 3:12-13; {4}Genesis 6:5-7; {5}Isaiah 55:8-9; {6}Psalms 139:13-16; {7}Philippians 2:13; {8}Colossians 1:16; {9}Isaiah 29:15-16; {10}1 John 4:16-19; {11}Romans 8:15-39.
Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Model Friends

karl lagerfeld 170410

I love these images with a bunch of gorgeous and well dressed models hanging out / walking together.
They remind me of 2010's New Years when I hung out w/ my stylish blogging buddies and also during New York Fashion Week when all of us were dressed up to the max every single day. haha
Not sure what Wes & I will be doing on 2011's New Years but I hope you guys get to celebrate it with your loved ones and have tons of fun!
Oh, and Happy Christmas Eve!

(images via dailyfashionfix tumblr, ilovewildfox)

Sites To See

The SOLE purpose of this weekly series is to call attention to sites that I think many would find most interesting—in one way or another.  Just to be clear, inclusion in this series is not necessarily meant as a recommendation, and I have included sites that are rather disturbing to me.  The link below each image is to the site itself, and each image is linked to the particular post from which it was taken when applicable.  Please, go see for yourself.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

