Not every song that will be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian” in the eyes of this world. For some will be anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviously ferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (in one way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear the message.

In Your Eyes
Peter Gabriel
I get so lost
Days pass
And this emptiness fills my heart
When I want to run away
I drive off in my car
But whichever way I choose
I come back to the place you are

All my instincts
They return
And the grand façade
So soon will burn
Without a noise
Without my pride
I’ll reach out
From the inside

In your eyes
The light
The heat
In your eyes
I am complete
In your eyes
The resolution
Of all the fruitless searches
In your eyes
I see the light
And the heat
In your eyes
Oh I want to be
That complete
I want to touch
The light
The heat
I see
In your eyes

I don’t like to see so much pain
So much wasted
And this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired
Of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you
To keep me awake and alive

And all my instincts
They return
And the grand façade
So soon will burn
Without a noise
Without my pride
I’ll reach out
From the inside

In your eyes
The light
The heat
In your eyes
I am complete
In your eyes
The resolution
Of all the fruitless searches
In your eyes
I see the light
And the heat
In your eyes
Oh I want to be
That complete
I want to touch
The light
The heat
I see
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes

Accepting all
That I don’t understand
I want to stop
And start again
‘Til there’s nothing left out
Of all that remains there
In your eyes
Whatever comes and goes
Oh what’s
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes
In your eyes

Solsbury Hill
Peter Gabriel
Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
I could see the city light
Winding was blowing
Time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close
I heard a voice
Stretching every nerve
Had to listen
Had no choice
I did not believe the information
I just had to trust imagination
My heart going
He said
Grab your things
I’ve come to take you home

To keep in silence I resigned
My friends would think I was a nut
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Thought my life was in a rut
‘Til I thought of what I’d say
Which connection I should cut
I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going
He said
Grab your things
I’ve come to take you home

Back home

When illusion spins her net
I’m never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Who close their eyes but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me
Today I don’t need a replacement
I’ll tell them what the smile on my face meant
My heart going
I said
You can keep my things
They’ve come to take me home

Lyrics From: []

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

In Full Color

Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 10.31.25 PM
Screen shot 2011-01-30 at 8.10.42 PMScreen shot 2011-01-26 at 5.50.45 PMScreen shot 2011-01-29 at 5.18.53 PMScreen shot 2011-01-29 at 5.19.16 PMScreen shot 2011-01-20 at 10.04.20 AM

Although I like the simplicity of black and white interiors, I also love interiors with lots of colors, different patterns and great art.
I don't think I'll be home much this February but once I get back to my apartment, I might have to go on a hunt for the perfect art piece and some great pillows that don't get much use. hehe

Come Monday...Harry's Law

“Come Monday…” is a weekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, television shows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will be generally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.”  This is subject to change, however.  In fact, I would be most derelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can be good—right?  Therefore, since good is generally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the parallel universes that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as being something positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

There have been times when some of the voices in my head have told me that I am not nearly as cool as I would like to believe that I am. Okay, it has sounded like ALL of them at other times, but that’s beside the point—isn’t?

One of those times involved [Ally McBeal]. For it became wildly popular with the masses long before I warmed up to it, and I never did warm up to [The Practice].

I caught on with [Boston Legal] a lot quicker. After all, one of main characters was played by [William Shatner], and I am not a [hater].

Even if I must say so myself, I have to be about the coolest of beans now. For I started looking forward to the newest [David E. Kelley] masterpiece the first time I saw a promo for it, and it has lived up to all of my expectations so far.

The show I am talking about is [Harry’s Law], which can be seen on [NBC] at 10:00 PM Eastern/9:00 PM Central on Monday nights. It stars [Kathy Bates], with a fine supporting cast of [Brittany Snow], [Nathan Corddy], [Aml Ameen], [Johnny Ray Gill], and as the ultimate tool, [Paul McCrane]. If you can’t make it there on Monday nights, you can see full episodes on [Hulu] anytime.

Yeah, [Misery] still gives me nightmares, and if they ever have Kathy Bates handling a sledgehammer for any reason, it just might finish me off. Harry’s Law appears to be worth the risk, however. For it is every bit as quirky as Boston Legal, and her role as Mama Boucher in [The Waterboy] helped to ease some of my fears.

No, it doesn’t hurt a thing that Brittany Snow is not at all hard to look at, and she is perfect in her role as a ditzy blonde with a little sumpthin’ sumpthin’ deep down inside. Nonetheless, I do find her thing for shoes a little disturbing.

All in all, I highly recommend this show to anyone who wants a little break from reality. Of course, some of you might feel right at home there. I would rather not name any names, but if you insist…

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and me after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived.  Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again.  The link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.

 Link: [Berea]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Secret Sunshine

Titre original : Milyang
Réalisé par Lee Chang-dong
Avec Do-yeon Jeon, Kang-ho Song
Corée du Sud

Après la disparition de son époux dans un accident de la route, Shin-ae et son fils Jun partent s’installer dans le sud à Myriang, ville natale de son défunt mari. Malgré ses efforts pour s’établir dans un endroit si peu familier et pourtant pas trop normal, elle est bien en peine de s’adapter. Elle ouvre une nouvelle école de piano et essaie de s’intégrer au voisinage, mais rien ne tourne comme elle le voudrait.

Langue : coréen | Sous-titres : français (softsub-SRT, DVD Z2), anglais
1400 Mo | 2 CD

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Vexille (HD)

Réalisé par Fumihiko Sori
Avec Meisa Kuroki, Shosuke Tanihara, Yasuko Matsuyuk
Animation 3D, Action, Sci-Fi

Japon 2077. L'opinion publique s'inquiète des dérives des nanotechnologies et de la vie synthétique, ce qui amène l'ONU à interdire la recherche sur la robotique. L'entreprise Daiwa proteste afin de poursuivre les recherches, provoquant par la suite l'isolation du Japon du reste du monde...

Version HDRIP 1080p : Mkv | Dual-audio : français, japonais | Sous-titres : français | 8 Go

Version DVDRIP : Avi | Langue : français | 700 Mo

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Bruce Lee My Brother

Réalisé par Raymond Yip
Avec Tony Leung Ka Fai, Jin Auyeung, Aarif Lee
Hong Kong
Arts Martiaux, Biographie, Drame

« Bruce Lee My Brother » est le premier volet d'une trilogie qui narre l’histoire du célèbre acteur/expert en arts martiaux. Créée à partir du souhait de la famille afin d’évoquer sa véritable histoire, et ainsi corriger les nombreuses inexactitudes liées à la figure légendaire, la trilogie est, comme son titre l’indique, contée en se basant sur la version de Robert Lee, le frère de Bruce.

Langue : cantonais | Sous-titres : français (hardsub, par Newasia)
1,7 Go

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Gun Musashi

Réalisé par Yuki Kinoshita
Action, Anime, Aventure
26 épisodes

Japon, 1605. Le Shogunat règne sur le pays d’une main de fer et se prépare à écraser ses ennemis lors de la bataille de Sekigahara. C’est dans ces temps troublés que voyage Miyamoto Musashi, expert en sabre mais aussi l’une des plus fines gâchettes du pays. Ce ronin, guerrier sans foi ni maître, traverse le Japon à la recherche de forteresses à assiéger. L’armée du Shogun ayant déserté le château d’Osaka, Musashi décide de le prendre seul d’assaut pendant la nuit ! Mais alors qu’il pénètre dans la forteresse, il assiste à l’enlèvement de la princesse par une troupe de démons…

Langue : japonais | Sous-titres : français (hardsub, DVD Z2)
Release : Adoveo
170 Mo par épisode

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The Sum Of All Our Fears Repost

The following is another chapter from [Bittersweet Refinements].  Since each part is connected to the rest, it would do you well to keep reading (and listening for our Heavenly Father's explanations, of course).

The Sum of All Our Fears

“I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.”  Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!” [John 21:18-19 NIV]

Be assured that this also applies to the kind of lives that we are to live in this world.  For we are all led down paths that we would not naturally want to go[1].

The Prophet Jonah stands as a good example of that.  For he certainly did not want to go to Nineveh[2].

Yes, it could be argued that the wayward prophet brought all of his misery down upon himself by being so disobedient, but can the same be said of the Prophet Ezekiel?  Be assured that it cannot.  Yet: The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, with one blow I am about to take away from you the delight of your eyes. Yet do not lament or weep or shed any tears.  Groan quietly; do not mourn for the dead. Keep your turban fastened and your sandals on your feet; do not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners.”  So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died. The next morning I did as I had been commanded.  Then the people asked me, “Won't you tell us what these things have to do with us?”  So I said to them, “The word of the LORD came to me: Say to the house of Israel, `This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am about to desecrate my sanctuary—the stronghold in which you take pride, the delight of your eyes, the object of your affection. The sons and daughters you left behind will fall by the sword.  And you will do as I have done. You will not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners.  You will keep your turbans on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You will not mourn or weep but will waste away because of your sins and groan among yourselves.  Ezekiel will be a sign to you; you will do just as he has done. When this happens, you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD.” [Ezekiel 24:15-24 NIV]

Special circumstances?  I would think so, but if one life is just as important as another to our Heavenly Father[3], are we not all living under special circumstances in this world[4]?

No, it is not that I have some sort of a great desire to sully the glory of our Heavenly Father, but many do—albeit unintentionally.  For by denying that He has anything to do with this or that, they portray Him as being be far less than He absolutely is.  Whereas what He actually says is absolutely true about Himself is: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. [Isaiah 45:7 KJV]

Alas, is it not time to come out of the darkness of spiritual ignorance[5]?   For what good can come from insisting that all of our problems are of our own making when there is absolutely nothing that we can do about them[6]?

No, that is not what most want to hear[7].  For it sounds oh so very noble to take full responsibility for our own actions[8].

Moreover, there can be no self-esteem, which is just a more politically-correct way of referring to self-righteousness, without personal responsibility.  For when we make that vow to do better, in whom are we really depending upon to make it happen[9]?

Far worse to most, however, is having to give others the benefit of our doubts until told otherwise[10].  For as in the case of Judas Iscariot[11], it may not be their fault that someone has done wrong.

The Prophet Jonah would certainly attest to that.  For it is written: But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry.  He prayed to the LORD, "O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.  Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live."  But the LORD replied, "Have you any right to be angry?"  Jonah went out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city.  Then the LORD God provided a vine and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the vine.  But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the vine so that it withered.  When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah's head so that he grew faint. He wanted to die, and said, "It would be better for me to die than to live."  But God said to Jonah, "Do you have a right to be angry about the vine?"  "I do," he said. "I am angry enough to die."  But the LORD said, "You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight.  But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?" [Jonah 4:1-11 NIV]

No, Jonah was not angry about the vine dying.  For he absolutely hated the Ninevehites, and the last thing he wanted to see is them repenting of their wickedness and being spared utter destruction, which is exactly what did happen after he obeyed his call to go Nineveh[12].

Alas, are not our hearts so very wicked by nature[13]?  For making sure that everyone gets just exactly what we want to believe they got coming to them is paramount—especially when a perceived wrong is considered personal, which is one of things that the parable of the prodigal son is all about[14].

Regardless of whether someone is truly at fault or not, we would do well to listen to our Heavenly Father[15] when He reminds us that mercy triumphs over judgment[16].  For all who demand justice will receive what they are willing to give[17].

{1}Proverbs 16:33; {2}Jonah 1:1-2:10; {3}Ezekiel 18:32; {4}Romans 8:18-21; {5}1 John 1:5-10; {6}Zechariah 4:6; {7}2 Timothy 4:2-4; {8}Proverbs 14:12; {9}Jeremiah 17:5-7; {10}John 7:24; {11}Luke 22:3-6; {12}Jonah 3:1-10; {13}Jeremiah 17:9-10; {14}Luke 15:11-32; {15}John 14:26; {16}James 2:12-13; {17}Matthew 7:1-5.
Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Trilogie Samourai

Réalisé par Hiroshi Inagaki
Avec Toshiro Mifune, Rentaro Mikuni, Kuroemon Oboe, Kaoru Yachigusa

Samourai 1 : La légende de Musashi : En 1600, dans un Japon balloté par la guerre civile. Takezo, un jeune homme bagarreur, va prendre part à ce conflit avec son ami Matahachi. Leur disparition va créer de la suspicion au sein de leur village …

Samourai 2 : Duel à Ichijoji : Miyamoto Musashi est désormais en quête d’équilibre. Il continue pourtant de provoquer en duel beaucoup de combattants. Il se rend rapidement compte qu’il attise les violences autour de lui...

Samourai 3 : La voie de lumière : Musashi a compris la vacuité de son statut de guerrier et cherche à redevenir Takezo. Il se retire à la campagne pour devenir paysan. Toutefois, il ne pourra pas indéfiniment repousser le combat contre le terrible Sasaki Kojiro ...

Langue : japonais | Sous-titres : français (hardsub, DVD Z2)
Ripper : USUL
1400 Mo par film

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Nuit et Brouillard au Japon

Titre alternatif : Night and Fog in Japan, Nihon no yoru to kiri
Réalisé par Nagisa Oshima
Avec Miyuki Kuwano, Fumio Watanabe, Masahiko Tsugawa

Automne 1960. On célèbre le mariage de deux jeunes étudiants appartenant chacun à un mouvement politique différent. Pour le professeur Udagawa, qui fait le discours d'ouverture de la rentrée, c’est le symbole de la réconciliation de deux générations. Les invités étudiants et militants commentent ce point de vue, les générations et les avis se confrontent avec une hargne grandissante.

Langue : japonais | Sous-titres : français (inclus, DVD Z2), anglais
650 Mo

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The Battle Wizard

Réalisé par Pao Hsueh-Li
Avec Chen Chi Lin, Chung Tien Shih, Danny Lee, Ni Tien, Wei Szu
Hong Kong
Arts martiaux, Fantastique

Wong Po-yen a perdu ses deux jambes il y a vingt ans dans un combat contre le roi Duan Zheng-chun. Aujourd'hui, il veut se venger sur le fils du monarque, Duan Yu. Ce dernier, passionné de littérature et piètre combattant, vient de partir à la découverte du monde, cherchant à se prouver qu'il peut survivre sans maîtriser les arts martiaux. Au cours de son périple, il rencontre la guerrière Zhong Ling-ehr, qui lui conseille de se lancer à la recherche du python rouge...

TVRIP - Arte | Avi
Langue : mandarin | Sous-titres : français (hardsub)
Ripper : sauce-samourai
900 Mo

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Taking Manhattan

Réalisé par Kirk Wong
Avec Andrew Chan, Carrie Ng, Lui Chin Yin, Alana Adena
Hong Kong
Action, Thriller

Promis à un bel avenir dans la police de Hong Kong, Ho choisit d'émigrer à New York avec sa femme lors de la rétrocession de l'ex-colonie à la Chine. Installés à Brooklyn, ils rêvent d'une vie meilleure loin des règlements de compte entre gangs. Jusqu'au jour où le couple fait la connaissance de M. Chan, un homme d'affaires aux activités douteuses. Décidé à s'affranchir des pontes de la mafia italienne pour lesquels il travaille, Chan prend par la force le contrôle de Manhattan avec l'aide de Ho. Mais il ignore que son nouveau bras droit a été secrètement recruté par la police pour infiltrer le milieu et faire le ménage parmi les criminels les plus redoutables.

Langue : français
Ripper : azumi94
700 Mo

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La Saveur de la Pastèque

Titres alternatifs : The Wayward Cloud, Tian bian yi duo yun Poster
Réalisé par Tsai Ming-liang
Avec Kang-sheng Lee, Shiang-chyi Chen, Yi-Ching Lu
Comédie, Drame, Musique, Erotisme

La sécheresse est telle à Taïwan que la population est invitée à remplacer l'eau par le jus de pastèque. Elle, c'est en volant l'eau des toilettes publiques qu'elle subsiste. Lui, c'est en montant sur les toits, la nuit tombée, qu'il tente de se rafraîchir en se baignant dans les citernes d'eau de pluie. Solitaires, assoiffés, épuisés par la chaleur et le désir, ils se retrouvent pour mieux se perdre dans l'excitation torride et la saveur de la pastèque...

Langue : mandarin | Sous-titres : français (softsub-SRT, DVD Z2), anglais
1400 Mo

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Sites To See

The SOLE purpose of this weekly series is to call attention to sites that I think many would find most interesting—in one way or another.  Just to be clear, inclusion in this series is not necessarily meant as a recommendation, and I have included sites that are rather disturbing to me.  The link below each image is to the site itself, and each image is linked to the particular post from which it was taken when applicable.  Please, go see for yourself.

 Link: [Aerten Art]

 Link: [Chez Cheri]

 Link: [EarlyPunk]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

