WhiteHeart Wednesday

MP3 Audio Player From: [BlogDumps Video]

Who Owns You
I’m being swallowed by America
Losing my soul in America
Oh I can’t keep up in America
‘Cause now they’re selling dreams in America
Oh living in the malls of America
Deals made behind the walls of America
Try to find my face in America
Now you gotta buy your place in America

Tell me who owns you baby
Tell me who owns you now
Tell me who holds the key
To your captive heart
Tell me who owns you baby
Tell me do you even know
Who is the one who unlocks
The dreams of your soul

Come stand with me in this holy place
Let the mountain breeze run over our face
Cleanse the shame for what we’ve done
‘Cause we’ve been living our lives for only one
Gotta wash the wounds of America
Step out of the tombs of America
Step on out
Oh to find our faith in America
Love one another in America
Love one another in America
Love one another

Tell me who owns you baby
Tell me who owns you now
Tell me who holds the key
To your captive heart
Tell me who owns you baby
Tell me do you even know
Who is the one who unlocks
The dreams of your soul

Tell me
Who owns you
Tell me now
Who is holding your heart

Who is the one who unlocks
The dreams of your soul

Tell me
Tell me
Tell me
Who owns you

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]


Not every song that will be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian” in the eyes of this world. For some will be anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviously ferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (in one way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear the message.

The Walk
Sawyer Brown
Down our long dusty driveway
I didn’t want to go
But I set out with tears in my eyes
Daddy took me by the hand
Looked out at the school bus
And his little man
And said
Don’t worry boy
It’ll be all right

‘Cause I took this walk you’re walking now
Boy I’ve been in your shoes
You can’t hold back the hands of time
It’s just something you’ve got to do
So dry your eyes
I understand
Just what you’re going through
‘Cause I took this same walk with my old man
Boy I’ve been in your shoes

Down our long dusty driveway
I set my mind to go
Well I was eighteen
And wild and free
And wondering
Daddy took my by the hand
Looked at the world
And at his grown man
And said
Don’t worry boy
It’ll be all right

‘Cause I took this walk you’re walking now
Boy I’ve been in your shoes
Well you can’t hold back the hands of time
It’s just something you’ve got to do
So dry your eyes
I understand
Just what you’re going through
‘Cause I took this same walk with my old man
Boy I’ve been in your shoes

Down our long dusty driveway
This time we both would go
Well he had grown old and gray
And his mind
Was wandering
Daddy took me by the hand
Said I know where we’re going
And I understand
Don’t worry boy
It’ll be all right

‘Cause I took this walk you’re walking now
Boy I’ve been in your shoes
Well you can’t hold back the hands of time
It’s just something you’ve got to do
So dry your eyes
I understand
Just what you’re going through
‘Cause I took this same walk with my old man
Boy I’ve been in your shoes
Yes I took this walk you’re walking now
Boy I’ve been in your shoes

800 Pound Jesus
Sawyer Brown
I saw a garage sale
Pulled up in the yard
Found a statue of Jesus
That was eight feet tall
He held out his arms
And he seemed all alone
So I loaded him up
And I drove him home
Out by my driveway
He looks down the street
Long hair and sandals
Made of rebar and concrete
I painted him white
With a long purple robe
He’s the rock of ages
On a gravel road

He’s an 800 pound Jesus
Standing taller than a tree
He’s an 800 pound Jesus
A bigger man than you or me

I thought losin’ my job
Was the end of the world
‘Til my best pal
Ran off my best girl
I felt suicidal
With no real friend
So I walked outside
With a rope in my hand
Out by the statue
There’s a big oak tree
So I stood on his shoulders
And counted to three
I had every intention
Of buyin’ the farm
But when I jumped off
He caught me in his arms

He’s an 800 pound Jesus
Standing taller than a tree
He’s an 800 pound Jesus
A bigger man than you or me

I wanted to return
The favor to him
‘Cause I never had
A more solid friend
So I planted some flowers
All around his feet
And I bought him a flock
Of ceramic sheep

He’s an 800 pound Jesus
Standing taller than a tree
He’s an 800 pound Jesus
A bigger man than you or me
He’s a bigger man than you or me

Lyrics From: [Cowboy Lyrics]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Floral Impressions

(H&M Garden Collection Maxi Dress)

This dress originally looks like this but it was a bit too much for me with all the ruffles going on and I felt like I was wearing a costume. To make it less costume-y I tied the the two straps together and safety pinned it. All went well until... well until Charcoal decided he wanted to jump up and bite my dress and my dress came undone and I was standing just with my underwear on. Fortunately it was in front of my boyfriend only. lol
Now I'm off to the airport to go to Dallas, TX for a fun shoot. woo hoo!
Hope you guys have a wonderful week and for those who are going back to school, Good luck on your first day of school! <3

Come Monday...Porpoise Driven Life

“Come Monday…” is a weekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about, websites, movies, documentaries, television shows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time. Be assured that these reviews will be generally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.” This is subject to change, however. In fact, I would be most derelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while. For rants promote change, and change can be good—right? Therefore, since good is generally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the parallel universes that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as being something positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

My health continues to deteriorate, and the past few days have been especially rough. Subsequently, I have nothing prepared for this edition of Come Monday…

Therefore, I offer this filler piece instead. However, it does leave room for much discussion, and I hope you will take advantage of it—regardless of which side of the issue you may want to stand at this time.

Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. [2 Corinthians 2:17 NIV]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and I after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived. Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again. The link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Palm Drive

(Eryn Brinie Blouse, Anarchy Street Slashed Skinny Jeans, Vintage Boots, Buckled Doctor's Bag courtesy of Fashops)
I know I can't beat last year's traveling which consisted of 13 plane rides, but I'm off to Texas on Monday then to New York the week after and back to LA at the end of the month of September.
I'm kind of excited for Texas as I've never been there before and I seriously can't wait for warm weather. I know I talked about how beautiful San Francisco was a few days ago but the guy who's in charge of the weather up there decided to give us cold windy weather once again which resulted in Wes, Charcoal, and I to go to Palo Alto today. I might just have to move to Palo Alto if I can't move back home just because it's 5 degrees warmer!

Burberry Prorsum Shearling Aviator Jacket

Definitely one of the most coveted jackets of this season.

1. Bianca Balti for Harpers Bazaar Spain September 2010, 2. Eniko Mihalik for Harpers Bazaar US September 2010, 3. Sasha Pivovarova for Numero #116 September 2010
(All images via Fashion Gone Rogue)

Mysterious Ways Repost

The following is another chapter from [Bittersweet Refinements].  Since each part is connected to the rest, it would do you well to keep reading (and listening for our Heavenly Father's explanations, of course).

Mysterious Ways

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.  Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts.  Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” [Isaiah 55:6-9 NIV]

It is often said that the God works in mysterious ways, which is understandable.  For if His ways truly are much higher than our own, how could we understand them without His help?

What is not understandable is why our Heavenly Father’s ways are still such a great mystery to such a great many.  For if He really does want to have a very close and personal relationship with His children by faith, would He not want them to understand what He is doing to at least a certain extent[1]?

No, this is not to say that it is the same for all.  For it all depends upon what our Heavenly Father wants to accomplish in and through someone that determines when, and to what extent, He will allow and enable them to enter into His absolute truth[2].

In other words, some are given a lot at a very early age, such as in the case of the Prophet Jeremiah[3].  Whereas others will have to wait until just before the end of their time as a part of this world before they are given very little in comparison, which is the way it was for “the thief on the cross[4].”

Tragically, the problem is not that our Heavenly Father has not been forthcoming.  The problem is that far too many just do not want to hear what He has to say[5].

Take the greatest mystery of them all for an example.  For theologians and philosophers have been wondering out loud for thousands of years about what the meaning of life (or the reason for our existence, to get more specific) could possibly be, and He has been giving them an answer too simple for most to accept.  For we were created in order to give our Heavenly Father opportunities to freely receive a very special kind of love from us, and everything about this world is for that purpose.

Alas, there are not any Bible verses that say that.  Well, at least not in so many words[6].

Nonetheless, this is not to say that we are not provided with written confirmation.  For all of our Heavenly Father’s Holy Scriptures testify to who we were all created to be and why this world is as it is[7].

No, that is not good enough for far too many.  For unless they have a Bible verse or passage that says just exactly this or that, they refuse to listen, and even when they are presented with such, if it does not match what they have been taught by others not so unlike themselves, the result remains the same[8].

Yes, it is written that we should not go beyond what is written[9], but then we are faced with those mysterious ways again[10].  For who can understand the ways of the Lord God Almighty without His help, and that means that there must be more than just a long, hard study of a book involved[11].

Thankfully, that is provided, and for those humble enough to learn from our Heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit[12], it should not be very hard to accept what He wants us to.  For aside from His witness, our Heavenly Father also allows and enables us to have some hands-on experience from both sides of the matter[13].

You see, is it not relatively easy for most to love someone very attractive, in one way or another, and always does, or at least tries to do, what is desired of them?  So, it is for this reason that our lives in this world are meant to be full of pain and suffering—even for those whom appear to be absolutely wonderful in our eyes.  For in comparison to the worst of lives in His Kingdom of Heaven, the most wonderful of lives in this world is an excruciatingly slow and painful death.  For it takes a very special kind of love to want to hang in there with someone who appears to be treating us very badly[14].

The reason for why our Heavenly Father partially hid Himself from our sight is also part of that.  For our Heavenly Father has never wanted any of us professing their love for Him because of being either too afraid or too greedy not to[15].

Too afraid?  This has to do with the awesomeness of our Heavenly Father’s glory, and the fact that many would want to bow down and worship Him just because of being too afraid not to[16].

Too greedy?  This has to do with the indescribable splendor of our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom, and the fact that others would want to bow down and worship Him just because of what it could profit them[17].

No, there are not many amongst us (if any at all) who really care about why someone claims to love them, and generally seeks to do what is pleasing in their sight.  For all we usually care about is that they keep on doing what we want them to do[18].

Woe be it to all who never really want to know the difference between what is real and what is coerced.  For a love that is coerced[19] is really no love at all[20].

{1}Jeremiah 33:3; {2}1 Corinthians 2:6-16; {3}Jeremiah 1:4-10; {4}Luke 23:32-43; {5}Jeremiah 6:10; {6}Matthew 13:1-30; {7}Romans 8:18-25; {8}John 5:31-47; {9}1 Corinthians 4:6; {10}Job 11:7-9; {11}1 Corinthians 4:7; {12}John 14:26; {13}Romans 8:28; {14}Romans 11:32-36; {15}1 Corinthians 1:18-31; {16}Exodus 15:9-12; {17}Revelation 21:10-21; {18}Jeremiah 17:9; {19}Psalms 32:8-9; {20}1 Corinthians 13:4-13.
Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Sites To See

The SOLE purpose of this weekly series is to call attention to sites that I think many would find most interesting—in one way or another. Just to be clear, inclusion in this series is not necessarily meant as a recommendation, and I have included sites that are rather disturbing to me. The link below each image is to the site itself, and each image is linked to the particular post from which it was taken when applicable. Please, go see for yourself.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

Sun in the City

(Floppy Wool Hat, Vintage Dress, Vintage Boots)

God must have heard Wes and I complaining about the weather because San Francisco was unbelievably beautiful the past 3 days.
This super hot 80 degrees + weather has made my trip to go get Mexican food that much more enjoyable.

Jennifer Bon Jovi?

Link: Jennifer Nettles of [Sugarland] & Jon [Bon Jovi]

Who Says You Can’t Go Home
Bon Jovi (with Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland)
I spent twenty years tryin’ to get out of this place
I was lookin’ for somethin’ I couldn’t replace
I was runnin’ away from the only thing I’ve ever known

And like a blind dog without a bone
I was a gypsy lost in the twilight zone
I hijacked a rainbow and crashed into a pot of gold

I’ve been there
Done that
Now I ain’t lookin’ back
On the seeds I’ve sown
Savin’ dimes
Spendin’ too much time on the telephone
Who says you can’t go home

Who says you can’t go home
There’s only one place
That calls me one of their own
Just a hometown boy
Born a rollin’ stone
Who says you can’t go home
Who says you can’t go back
Been all around the world
And as a matter of fact
There’s only one place left
I want to go
Who says you can’t go home
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right

I went as far as I could
I tried to find a new face
There isn’t one of the lines
That I would erase
I left a million miles of memories
On that road

Every step I take
I know that I’m not alone
You take the home from the boy
But not the boy from his home
These are my streets
The only life I’ve ever known
Who says you can’t go home

Who says you can’t go home
There’s only one place
That calls me one of their own
Just a hometown boy
Born a rollin’ stone
Who says you can’t go home
Who says you can’t go back
Been all around the world
And as a matter of fact
There’s only one place left
I want to go
Who says you can’t go home

It doesn’t matter where you are
It doesn’t matter where you go
If it’s a million miles away
Or just a mile up the road
Take it in
Take it with you when you go
Who says you can’t go home

Who says you can’t go back
Been all around the world
And as a matter of fact
There’s only one place left
I want to go
Who says you can’t go home
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
Who says you can’t go home
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
Who says you can’t go home
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
It’s all right
Who says you can’t go home

Lyrics From: [elyrics.net]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

WhiteHeart Wednesday

MP3 Audio Player From: [BlogDumps Video]

Man Overboard
Man over me
Man over you
Man like a fist
Man wanna rule
The crystal ball
Predicts the fall
Man overlord
Man overboard

Feels like we’re drifting
For some dark uncharted land
Don’t know where we’re going
But it’s not where we have been

Did we think that we could sail
The waters of this storm
We can’t control the rudder
And the sail’s getting torn

I’m afraid for me
I’m afraid for you

Man over me
Man over you
Man like a fist
Man wanna rule
The crystal ball
Predicts the fall
Man overlord
Man overboard

Everywhere I turn
I feel the power of the sea
To think that we are drowning
In our own hypocrisy

Devoured by the mouth of all
The things that we create
We thought we were creators
Now we’re eaten by our fate

I’m afraid for me
I’m afraid for you

Man over me
Man over you
Man like a fist
Man wanna rule
The crystal ball
Predicts the fall
Man overlord
Man overboard
Man over me
Man over you
Man like a fist
Man wanna rule
The crystal ball
Predicts the fall
Man overlord
Man overboard

Man over me
Man over you
Man like a fist
Man wanna rule
The crystal ball
Predicts the fall
Man overlord
Man overboard
Man over me
Man over you
Man like a fist
Man wanna rule
The crystal ball
Predicts the fall
Man overlord
Man overboard
Man overboard
Man overboard
Man overboard
We’re falling
Man overboard

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

There's a Party Going on in Every Corner


My popular and super down to earth blogger friends Rachel and Taghrid invited me to the Havianas Party on Saturday and I had a blast. I was reunited with Natalie my dance partner whom I met at the Forever 21 party, met Geri for the first time and was seriously blown by her flawless skin and cute drunkness.
The best part about the party? Free In-n-Out burgers, tacos, free drinks, and a flip book booth.
Natalie uploaded a flip book of us which you can see here.


Not every song that will be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian” in the eyes of this world. For some will be anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviously ferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (in one way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear the message.

Something More
Come on

Hard to wake up
Fill my coffee cup
I’m out the door
Yeah my freeway’s
Standin’ still today
It’s gonna make me late
And that’s for sure
I’m runnin’ out of gas and out of time
Never gonna make it there by nine

There’s gotta be somethin’ more
Gotta be more than this
I need a little less hard time
I need a little more bliss
I’m gonna take my chances
Takin’ a chance I might
Find what I’m lookin’ for
There’s gotta be somethin’ more

Five years
And there’s no doubt
That I’m burnt out
I’ve had enough
So now boss man
Here’s my two weeks
I’ll make it short and sweet
So listen up
I could work my life away but why
I got things to do before I die

There’s gotta be somethin’ more
Gotta be more than this
I need a little less hard time
I need a little more bliss
I’m gonna take my chances
Takin’ a chance I might
Find what I’m lookin’ for
There’s gotta be somethin’ more

Some believe in destiny
And some believe in fate
I believe that happiness
Is somethin’ we create
You best believe that I’m not gonna wait
‘Cause there’s gotta be somethin’ more

I get home
The house is dirty
But it can wait
Yeah ‘cause right now
I need some downtime
To drink some red wine
And celebrate
Armageddon could be knockin’ at my door
But I ain’t gonna answer
That’s for sure
There’s gotta be somethin’

There’s gotta be somethin’ more
Gotta be more than this
I need a little less hard time
I need a little more bliss
I’m gonna take my chances
Takin’ a chance I might
Find what I’m lookin’ for
There’s gotta be somethin’ more
Gotta be somethin’
Got to be
Got to be
Gotta be somethin’

Just Might (Make Me Believe)
I got miles of trouble
Spreadin’ far and wide
Bills on the table
Gettin’ higher and higher
They just keep on comin’
There ain’t no end in sight
I’m just holdin’ on tight
I’ve got someone who loves me
More than words can say
And I’m thankful for that
Each and every day
And if I count all my blessings
I get a smile on my face
Still it’s hard to find faith

But if you can look in my eyes
And tell me we’ll be all right
If you promise never to leave
You just might make me believe

It’s just day to day
Tryin’ to make ends meet
What I’d give for an address
Out on easy street
I need a deep margarita
To help me unwind
Leave my troubles behind

But if you can look in my eyes
And tell me we’ll be all right
If you promise never to leave
You just might make me believe

I used to believe in us
When times got tough
But lately I’m afraid that even
Love is not enough

But if you can look in my eyes
And tell me we’ll be all right
If you promise never to leave
You just might make me
Oh you just might make me
You just might make me believe

Lyrics From: [elyrics.net]

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

