Palm Drive

(Eryn Brinie Blouse, Anarchy Street Slashed Skinny Jeans, Vintage Boots, Buckled Doctor's Bag courtesy of Fashops)
I know I can't beat last year's traveling which consisted of 13 plane rides, but I'm off to Texas on Monday then to New York the week after and back to LA at the end of the month of September.
I'm kind of excited for Texas as I've never been there before and I seriously can't wait for warm weather. I know I talked about how beautiful San Francisco was a few days ago but the guy who's in charge of the weather up there decided to give us cold windy weather once again which resulted in Wes, Charcoal, and I to go to Palo Alto today. I might just have to move to Palo Alto if I can't move back home just because it's 5 degrees warmer!

