Come Monday...Discombobulated

“Come Monday…” is a weekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, television shows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will be generally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.”  This is subject to change, however.  In fact, I would be most derelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can be good—right?  Therefore, since good is generally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the parallel universes that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as being something positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Yes, my dear [Adullamite], that really is a real word. According to [Merriam-Webster], it means to be upset or confused, which is a state of mind that has to be very familiar to you. For you love the game of soccer futbol, which is played by those who would have to discombobulated. After all, when a 0-0 tie is considered to be a classic match, mass confusion has to be involved.

In my own case, disorientation would serve as a better description of my present condition. For instead of following the routine that I have been observing lately of going to bed around 9 AM and getting up around 8 PM, I didn’t get to bed until around 4 PM. Subsequently, I didn’t get up until midnight, and here I sit without anything of any substance to post.

Yeah, that shot I took at Adullamite always counts. Well, at least in my book, it does, but the rest of you are probably being left wanting.

I suppose I could blame some of my disorientation upon the fact that my beloved [Cowboys] should be 5-0 instead of 1-4 now. Hey, I went to bed just after watching them march down the field like they knew what they were doing to score the first touchdown of the game, and I wake up to find that they had managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again.

[Minnesota Vikings] fans ought to be feeling a little disoriented, as well. For with [Brett Favre feeling his age], surely they didn’t expect to pull off a [24-21 win] over my mighty Cowboys.

Hmm, with all of the accusations of impropriety swirling around Favre over his alleged involvement with the luscious [Jenn Sterger], it does make one wonder about the true cause of the tendinitis in his right elbow… Yeah, one would think that it would be his wrist that would be hurting, but such speculation is probably better left well enough alone.

In all seriousness, I really do feel for his longsuffering wife, [Deanna]. For after enduring Brett’s wishy-washy retirement angst for longer than anyone should ever have to, this “stuff” about the naughty hottie has to be tearing her guts out.

No, I don’t believe anything much will come of the alleged affair between Brett and Jenn. In fact, I don’t believe that there is even much that could come out, but a lot of damage has already been done.

Yes, the same could be said of [Jerry Jones] dreams of his team playing in [Super Bowl XLV] at home. For the Cowboys will probably have to go undefeated for the rest of the season in order to make it.

No, I am not worried. For the odds against them has to be reaching astronomical heights, which would mean that some precisely placed bets could go a long way towards paying the $1,300,000,000 that it took to build [Cowboys Stadium]... Yeah, maybe I am more discombobulated than I thought.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

