Come Monday...Some People

“Come Monday…” is a weekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about, websites, movies, documentaries, television shows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time. Be assured that these reviews will be generally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.” This is subject to change, however. In fact, I would be most derelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while. For rants promote change, and change can be good—right? Therefore, since good is generally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the parallel universes that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as being something positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

February 8, 2008 was the first time I published a [Sites To See]. Since then, around 3,653 sites have been featured so far. Yeah, one would think that I could come up with an exact total, but math really is hard.

Anyway, after getting ripped to shreds by one of the six who did not want their site promoted by the likes of me, I got to thinking about how few I usually do hear from. Granted, most are very positive, but only about 30% have taken the time to simply say, “Thanks!”

No, I cannot give an exact number for that, neither. For I was advised against it, and after what happened to [King David], I figured that it might be wise to not keep a count.

Nonetheless, it troubles me greatly that there are so many who make no effort to form relationships out here in cyberspace. For that is one of my primary objectives, and I would think that especially those with some sort of a personal blog would also be after that.

Yet, I keep leaving comments that go ignored. Is it just me, or are these people interested in nothing more than just telling the world what they think about this or that?

In some cases, I have wandered across sites that are meant for just a chosen few. I know this to be true because I have been told as much by the authors after making enough of a pest out of myself. So, why have these sites not been made private?

Yeah, it is said that it takes all kinds to make a world, but I think we could do without more than a few. Of course, I might be included on some of those lists, but that just goes to prove that some people are really stupid. (Right?)

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]

P.S.: I have started a new site by the name of, [The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter]. It is still in the building stage, but if you would like to become a full-fledged member or maybe just a contributor, please email me at

Despite the implications of the name, this site is not meant to be just about the possibility of us being in the end times. For it has been personally revealed to me that every day in this world is one of tribulation. In fact, even what we would naturally consider to be the best of lives is absolutely miserable in comparison to the worst of lives in our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom of Heaven.

Therefore, I hope to have articles on politics (both secular and religious), business practices, social issues, environmental concerns, as well as spiritual matters—not just from a strictly “Christian” perspective, neither. For the more closely we examine what we may think is the truth, the closer we can come to accept what our Heavenly Father actually says is absolutely true. For He will be there to counter what is not right. Ah, but who is so deaf as the one who does not want to hear?

