Trib Updates and SOS!

This is a weekly series that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have been published on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter. Hopefully, this will encourage you to go check out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a number of truly outstanding authors. Moreover, I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributing member/author, as well. The “Hear Ye! Hear Ye!” site explanation near the top of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.

Along with the updates, will be some commentary on some of the spam that has been sent my way, which is what the SOS! (Spam on Saturdays!) is all about. No, I do not expect to accomplish anything with the spammers. For if they understood what they are doing, surely they wouldn’t be doing it, but it will make me feel better, which is all that counts—right?

[Sipping Some Tea] contains a video clip of Glenn Beck from the show that I watched in an attempt to see if I have been listening to the wrong voice about him.

[Fox News Can No Longer Be Trusted] contains a video clip of Fox News officially confirming that President Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.

[Baptism of Desire?] contains a video clip of an interview with Dr. Frank McKinney about the possibility of there not being such a place as Hell, and some research that I did on what Bill O’Reilly said about the Catholic church not teaching that all non-Christians are surely bound for there.

[Dog Wars] is about a free game app for Google’s Android phones that glorifies dog fighting.

[Is a Vasectomy the Same as Getting Neutered?] contains Lavender Darwin’s thoughts on the medical procedure.


Dear Sir/Madam,

How are you today, hope fine. Please this is an invitation for partnership.Can you in all sincerity partner with me?it is legal and 100% risk free.

In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $10.5 million US Dollars. In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in a Car Bomb Blast in Iraq.

Since his supposed next of kin died along side with him at the Bomb blast, there is nobody to claim the left over balance in the account. It is therefore upon this discovery that I and other officials in my department decided to seek your assistance and present you to the bank as his Next of kin.

If you accept I would give you the guidelines of how we can achieve this transfer of the balance (10.5Million Dollars) to your account, And we will share the money 50-50%.

I expect that you will give me your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication with you and for more details.

Best Regards
Mr Ahmed Bello.

Am I about to be rich or what?

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