Trib Updates and SOS!

This is a weekly series that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have been published on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter. Hopefully, this will encourage you to go check out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a number of truly outstanding authors. Moreover, I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributing member/author, as well. The “Hear Ye! Hear Ye!” site explanation near the top of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.

Along with the updates will be some commentary on some of the spam that has been sent my way, which is what the SOS! (Serving Spam on Saturdays!) is all about. No, I do not expect to accomplish anything with the spammers. For if they understood what they are doing, surely they wouldn’t be doing it, but it will make me feel better, which is all that counts—right?

Okay, since this is the first one, that spam “stuff” will have to wait. For there have been quite a few truly outstanding articles published in the last two months. Yes, I realize that I keep repeating, “truly outstanding,” and I hope that will go see that it is not all hype.

[How You Play The Game] is about some thoughts that buzzed around in my head while watching Super Bowl XLV between the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

[Choosing Government Over God] contains Susan’s feelings about why we Americans are finding ourselves in so much trouble these days.

[The Fourth Horseman?] contains what I think is obviously a doctored video.

[A Theological Soundbite on Theology] is about Josiah’s thoughts on why it is important for us to try to understand what we may be placing our faith in.

[Obummer] contains the video of a song that Sandie believes says it all about President Obama.

[Things Darwin Missed, or, Why I am NOT a Darwinist – Introduction and Part #1] was published by me for Lavender Darwin, and it should peak your interest, regardless of which side of the evolutionary argument you may stand.

[Things Darwin Missed, or, Why I am NOT a Darwinist – Part #2: Baldness] opens with a picture of Britney Spears during a bad time, and it goes on from there.

[Remington Under Fire] is about a CNBC special I saw on Remington Arms refusing to probably address a major safety concern with their Model 700 rifles.

[Egypt] is about what Adullamite thinks of the changes that has taken place in that country lately.

[Needing Our Help] was published in support for Rena Walker’s efforts to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

[The Last Days According To Jesus] contains Dickster’s observations on end-time prophesy, along with some comments about Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins and R.C. Sproul.

[Happy Valentine’s Day?] contains what I have been given to say about our Heavenly Father’s heartbreaks.

[Seeing Red] has me ranting about the St. Louis Cardinals failure to sign Albert Pujols to a long-term contract.

[Does The Soul Really Exist?] contains Roschelle’s provocative thoughts on the subject.

[They’re Fracking Us!] is about my thoughts on a PBS program about the use of hydraulic fracturing to recover natural gas and oil.

[Duality and the Problem and Necessity of Evil] contains Arash’s thoughts on whether or not evil has to exist.

[Things Darwin Missed, or, Why I am NOT a Darwinist – Part #3: Morality] has Lavender Darwin questioning where our sense of morality came from if we are just the result of random luck.

[So How Does Elton John Breastfeed…?] contains a pretend conversation by Lavender Darwin.

[Vote For Freedom From Hunger Today!] is from Susan in support of efforts to help the helpless.

[Things Darwin Missed, or, Why I am NOT a Darwinist – Part #4: Reproduction] has Lavender Darwin discussing some of the great mysteries to evolutionary theory.

[Two and a Half Men: Without A Laugh-Track] contains my thoughts on Charlie Sheen’s troubles.

[Does God Love Homosexuals?] has Arash questioning whether or not homosexuality really is a disease.

[That’s okay…I’m happy to be in my 40’s] contains some poignant observations on family life by Stacey.

[What Would You Do?] contains Susan’s thoughts on the real life implications of a reality show.

[Rob Bell and the Question of Universalism] is about Josiah/Joey’s thoughts on Rob Bell’s support of this controversial issue.

[Things Darwin Missed, or, Why I am NOT a Darwinist – Part #5: Forbidden Archaeology] has Lavender Darwin telling us about the scientific community’s efforts to suppress evidence that contradicts evolution.

[A Letter to the Congregation…] is about Stacey’s struggles to be accepted by some rather hard-hearted people.

[When Is Enough Too Much?] contains Susan’s thoughts on the outrageous displays of wealth in the face of so much suffering around the world.

[Economic Crimes Against Humanity] has Sisda drawing parallels between the mindsets of Nazis and the promoters of sub-prime loans.

[Things Darwin Missed, or, Why I am NOT a Darwinist – Part #6: Origins] has Lavender Darwin telling us why Darwinian evolution is completely flawed.

[Seriously, What’s In The Tea?] contains my dismay over Mike Huckabee supposedly misspeaking about where and how President Obama was raised.

[Mama ASID’s Womens Politics Mixtape] was published by me in support of her efforts to stop the brutalization of women.

[Random Lavender Thoughts] contains his thoughts on a number of topics.

[Massive Wall of Water Sweeps Ashore in Japan] contains a video of the tsunami.

[D-Block Allocation] is about my dismay over the efforts to possibly drive ham radio operators off the air.

[Did Jesus Abandon and Forsake His Family?] contains Arash’s thoughts on a possible contradiction.

[Rob Bell and the Emergents: A Satire] contains a video on the subject.

[Julie Andrews and Actresses who have their faces pulled taut and a REAL reason for cosmetic surgery] is about what Lavender Darwin thinks of the excessive use of plastic surgery.

[What Are Your Needs?] has Eddie reminding us of the difference between wants and needs.

[FreedomFromHunger Won!] contains an update from Susan on the charity being awarded $17, 020.00.

[Trees In The Forest] contains some of what I have been given to say about truly hearing our Heavenly Father’s voice.

[A Perfect Example of Demonic Possession] is about what I was given to say after seeing an interview of Rob Bell on MSNBC.

[US Military airstrikes carried out against Qaddafi… and where are all of the war protesters?] is from Lavender Darwin.

[Divine Timing] contains some things from Linda that we would all do well to heed.

[Contentment’s Device] is a truly great poem by Chris Mousseau.

[Anti-men Feminist-bigotry in Hollywood: “Toy Story 3”] contains Lavender Darwin’s tongue-in-cheek observations on what the movie is really about.

[Nuked?] is about my concerns over the future of the American nuclear energy program after the disaster in Japan.

[How Faith Works in Mysterious Ways] contains Arash’s thoughts on just what faith constitutes.

[GUTLESS EVILDOERS!!!] has me ranting about a Florida pastor burning a Qu'ran.

[Soothe Beyond One’s Depth] is another truly great poem by Chris Mousseau.

[Reese Witherspoon and Shallow “Sweet Vows”] has Lavender Darwin not being so sweet.

[Attention All Birthers!] contains what I was given to say in response to the lingering questions over the place of President Obama’s birth.

[The Biggest Loser] is about Dickster’s desire to get healthy.

[The Importance of Knowing To Know] is from Frank about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) social statement on Genetics, Faith and Responsibility.

[As 2012 Approaches…] contains some thoughts from me on Glenn Beck, Nancy Grace and Robin Meade.

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