Trib Updates and SOS!

This is a weekly series that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have been published on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to go check out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a number of truly outstanding authors.  Moreover, I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributing member/author, as well.  The “Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near the top of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Along with the updates, there will be some commentary on some of the spam that has been sent my way, which is what the SOS! (Spam On Saturdays!) is all about.  No, I do not expect to accomplish anything with the spammers.  For if they understood what they are doing, surely they wouldn’t be doing it, but it will make me feel better, which is all that counts—right?

[Amy Winehouse 1983 – 2011] contains some thoughts about Amy by me.

[Another Sign] has me pointing a finger at another sign of the coming Apocalypse being near.

[Norway Terrorist] contains some observations by Lavender Darwin about the recent tragedy there.

[A Good Example of Trusting In God] is by me about another move made by some “good Christians” in Greene Country, Missouri.

[Slutwalking] has me straddling the proverbial fence on the issue of a “lady” having the right to dress as slutty as she wants to.

[Despicable Julie Andrews] is a rebuttal to an article that Lavender Darwin published some time back.

[The Most Idiotic Movie Cliché Ever…] is mostly about how much Lavender Darwin enjoyed Iron Man 2.

[A Valid Abortion Debate Question (free to be used at the political debate of your liking)] is by Lavender Darwin, and it really is a valid question.

Mr Zanza Nwanza
77 Rue Avenue du Independence
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Dear Friend

It is my sincere pleasure as at the moment to exhibit my total trust bestowed on you in accordance to my partnership which I am fully convinced of Irrespective of my ascertion that you really welcome my partnership with you in this transaction, otherwise being very skeptical about dealing with Africans in such transaction, now it is my Godly nursed intention to prove myself to you that I am very much different from others you may have came across in the time past.

I am Mr Zanza Nwanza, I am interested in establishing and operating a very valuable business as a means of investing in your country, I am proposing to invest the sum of ($20,000,000.00 USD).

I do not know too well on how this is done in your country, so I will need you to help me in this regards. My preference is any good profit yielding business and I would appreciate any viable ideas you could come up with.

If you are interested to assist me with the investment process, kindly send the followings to me such as:

Your real and full name/s
Your private Telephone number for easy communication.
Upon the receipt of the above, I will detail you more concerning the project.

Mr Nwanza.
Telephone: +226 79 16 12 81.

Is it politically incorrect of me to think that it is really stupid of an obviously very successful African businessman to want to trust an ignorant redneck, such as myself, with so much money? If so, too bad for him. For the check is supposed to be on its way, and if you think that I have just been scammed, I have a receipt for the $2,000 Western African Union wire transfer fee that was required to complete the deal. Oh yeah, I’ll spend $2,000 to get $20,000,000 every day of the week, and twice on Sunday!

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