What shoes should I wear this rainy day


Today is the arrival of typhoon Juaning and it already made a lot of damage and flood all over the lands of Luzon, I also experienced its powerful wind and down pour yesterday and the rain is very heavy and a big umbrella is needed to cover you and prevent to get wet. I’m now having problems on what kind of shoes shall I wear today. (MORE STORY BELOW)

I love wearing my Somnio running shoes, because it lifted my foot and heels and it prevent me for planting more pressure on the ground, thanks to their cushion under our shoes, bu the problem is that this Somnio running shoes are well ventilated and there are lots of small holes for air to get in when you walk and run, whenever I wear this shoes in a rainy season, I always experienced a wet feeling under my socks, moist and rain water enter inside the running shoes, so for me, its a big no no to wear this shoe in a rainy season, well its okay if you’re going to use in sports running activities.

What left here in our shoe room is my Adidas TS Heat Check, Nike ID, two GBX, Converse and a Big Boys boots.

Adidas TS Hear Check is a good shoes for the rain, but it is built for basketball and there are lots of foam inside it, but the shoes is so hard and not flexy for my feet. The Nike ID is one of my style and trademark shoes because it has a name under it, but I retired already in wearing sneakers and it gives a pain in my foot and heels, but I already used this under the rain and it works well in shielding my foot to get wet, but not safe for heel high flood waters. The two GBX shoes is a big no no for a rainy season, i love this shoes and its for formal events only, the other one is pang porma, but Its so flat and slippery on the road (there’s no grip under the shoe ), and now the last foot gear is my Big Boys boots, I got this during my high school years and I wear it during my punk zappa years in early college ahahah, full leather, its big and perfect to fight the rain, my only problem is that there’s a platform under the heel.ok..its a little bit heavy and not stylish for my pants and shirt that I’m wearing today.

I also have that Vibram five fingers, but its dirty and smelly, and not good to wear in a rainy season, bacteria can get in easily in your feet. I forgot that I have that old Converse shoes, but I gave it away na pala and my mom sent a new pair of shoes, but its brand new and I don't want to wear it in a wet pavement.

Okay, so what I am going to wear this rainy day?
take a pick and let me know my foot gear for 3 days.

Nike ID

Adidas TS Check

Somnio shoes

GBX Shoes

me wearing Vibram five fingers

my boots is similar to this...high boots, plain black
(image source)

