Come Monday...Customer Service

“Come Monday…” is aweekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, televisionshows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will begenerally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “ComeMonday.”  This is subject to change,however.  In fact, I would be mostderelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can begood—right?  Therefore, since good isgenerally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the paralleluniverses that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as beingsomething positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

NOTE: Since this is basically a promised updateof a previous review, it seemed prudent to start with the original, which wasfirst published on April 26, 2010.  Nextwill come the exchanged emails, which will be edited to offer some protectionfor both the innocent and the guilty, and then I will offer some observations.

Lastweek, I received a very nice email from an associate of [Digeus], who wasasking me to post something about their [registry cleaner], with the promise ofreceiving a full version for free if I did so. Since I had already decided to forego posting about every new episode of[Treme], I had an opening in the schedule. So, I emailed her back, and promised to post a review of their productin the upcoming Come Monday…, which is this one (for you folks keepingscore at home).  Along with saying that Iwould download their free version and be checking it out while waiting for herreply, I also asked her some rather journalistic-like questions, such as howtheir product stacked-up against [CCleaner], which I have been using, as well aswhat difference there was between their free version and the fully functionalone.

Yes,as a matter of fact, I actually can be rather journalistic-like at times.  For I have seen a few editions of the [Wall Street Journal] here and there in my time, and that is good enough as aqualification in my book.

Well,after I did not hear back from her as soon as I thought I should, I went aheadand downloaded the free version.  Now, Ihave made it quite clear that I consider myself to be as technically-challengedas anyone can be.  Therefore, it should notcome as any shock to your system that there was a fair amount of apprehensioninvolved, but after not finding any negative reports on the product, I fired itup.

Whoa,the first scan only took a few minutes to complete, and it said that I had3,346 registry errors.  Since it has beentaking a good 10 minutes to reboot at times with a computer that is supposed tobe really fast, I thought I had finally “found” something that could cut thatreboot time down to mere seconds, which is the way it was when I first got it.  In fact, I was entertaining a fantasy ofhaving to make sure all fingers and toes were safely out of the way between thetime when the message on the screen flashed Shutting down… and Welcome.

Ofcourse, in order to make that fantasy a reality, I had to get rid of all ofthose registry errors, and it was right about then when I discovered thedifference between the free version and the fully functional one.  For the free version will only fix 5 errorsat a time, and I later discovered that there is little that can be done tolimit each scan.  In other words, onemust do another relatively full scan before another 5 errors can be fixed.

Yes,I should have just left well enough alone as soon as I saw that only 5 errors couldbe fixed at a time, but I am evidently genetically incapable of lettingsomething go unfixed once I discover a potential problem.  Well, I suppose I should take that back.  For after TEN STRAIGHT HOURS of rescanning(with a liberal amount of breaks mixed-in, in accordance to the most recentcollective bargaining agreement that I am sworn to uphold), I finally had toslink off to bed with a little over 1,000 errors left unfixed, and it stilltaking FOREVER AND A DAY to reboot.

SOOOO,I don’t know what to conclude about the [Digeus Registry Cleaner].  For those errors remain unfixed, it stilltakes forever and a day to reboot most of the time, and I still haven’t heard apeep out of the lady who first emailed me. If I ever do hear back from her or someone else from the company, I willadd an update to this review.  Untilthen, download and use this product at your own risk, and considering theamount of customer service I have received so far…

From Me (4/26/2010): You can view thereview that I posted of your product [here].  I am sorry that it sounds so negative, and Iwould be happy to add an update if I ever hear from you again.

From Stacey(4/26/2010):Dear Jerry, Thank you for placing the link to the Registry Cleaner.  In order to get a registration code pleasesend me a verification code from About dialog of the Registry Cleaner.  To get a Verification code please run DigeusRegistry Cleaner, go to about dialog and copy Verification code from that.  Then send it to me.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

From Me (4/27/2010): Verification Code:xxxxxxxxxxxx

From Julia(9/12/2010):Dear fishhawk, May I ask you to place the link below to our Screen CaptureSoftware 3.7.33287 anywhere on your blog?
If you agree, please send me the link where you placed the link and I willprovide you a copy of SnapIt for free.  Hereis a brief information about our product:
SnapIt Screen Capture 3.7
SnapIt is easy to use screen capture software which allows you to easilycapture anything on the screen including windows, menus, full screen,rectangular regions, web pages and take shots of moving images.
It is a very convenient tool for bloggers. When you write posts on your blogyou need to capture and crop images from different sources - this tool is foryou.
- Supports hotkeys, auto-saving, clipboard
- Automatically copies screenshots to the clipboard
- Tracks capture history, auto-saves captured images
- Saves files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF formats
- Auto-names captured images
Here is the link:
<a href="">ScreenCapture Software</a>
You may place this link alone without description or on existing post or createnew post with a short description (language and text is up to you)
Feel free to get information about product here:
P.S. Don't change text in the link. It should be "Screen CaptureSoftware".

From Me (9/12/2010): No, I would rathernot.

From Alise(9/12/2010):Dear Jerry, I would be honored if you’d take the time to review our product onyour blog.  In exchange for an unbiasedreview, We will provide a copy of the product for free!  We will also place link to your review fromour product's page with your logo.  Thereview may be written in any language you want, min 100 words. You are free toget photos and sample description from our site:
Ifyou use Facebook, Twitter, Digg or MySpace, please add this tool to yourbookmarks.  The button for adding tobookmarks is located here:
Hereis a brief information about our product:
DigeusSystem Optimizer 8.2
DigeusSystem Optimizer is the smartest way to solve computer problems and protectyour valuable data. This easy-to-use software helps you eliminate systemcrashed, prevent computer problems, and restore your system to a healthy state.  Here is a list of tools included in suite:
*Digeus Data Encryptor
*Digeus Disk Space Analyzer
*Digeus Drivers and Programs
*Digeus Duplicate Files Finder
*Digeus Icon Manager
*Digeus IE Manager
*Digeus Junk Files Cleaner
*Digeus Memory Cleaner
*Digeus Multimedia Settings Tweaker
*Digeus Optimization Wizard
*Digeus Privacy Protection
*Digeus Process Manager
*Digeus Registry Cleaner
*Digeus Registry Defragmenter
*Digeus Repair System Settings
*Digeus Service Manager
*Digeus File Shredder
*Digeus Smart Uninstaller
*Digeus Startup Manager
*Digeus System Customization
*Digeus System Info
*Digeus System Security Tweaker
*Digeus System Speed Optimizer
*Digeus Unnecessary Files Cleaner
Downloadand install System Optimizer 8.2:
Learnmore what is included in System Optimizer 8.2:
Lookingforward to hearing from you.

From Me(9/13/2010): Thisis a joke--right?  For I never received the code that was needed to unlockthe features on the Digeus Registry Cleaner 5.4.316065 that I published areview of a few month ago, and after all of this time, I don't want one. So, in answer to your request, I would not want to publish a review of anymoreof your products.  Just in case you are curious, the one I dealt with thelast time was Stacey, with the first email coming on April 18, 2010.

From Alise(9/13/2010): Dear Jerry, Please mention in your blogabout a giveaway for your readers if they also create a review in any blog/forum/twitter/facebook,etc, and contact me with link to the review,
Iwill issue a reg code and name for them. 
Hereis your registration information:
Registrationname: Jerry Beuterbaugh
Registrationcode: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Pleaseenter this information in [Help]->[Registration] dialog of the program.  We recommend you to copy-paste registrationcode as sometimes people may confuse characters '0' (zero) with 'O' (Orange),etc.
Pleasenote, you don't have to download or reinstall this product again.  This license releases all restrictions.  If you have any questions about our products,don't hesitate to ask them.

From Me (9/14/2010): Well, your replyhere certainly confirms that your company must be a joke.  For youcompletely ignored what I told you about my last encounter with you-all. Please take me off of your list.

From Isabella(12/26/2010):Dear Jerry Beuterbaugh, Thank you for your review! It is great.  Please mention in your blog about a giveawayfor your readers if they also create a review in anyblog/forum/twitter/facebook, etc, and contact me with link to the review, Iwill issue a reg code and name for them.
Hereis your registration information:
Registrationname: Jerry Beuterbaugh
Registrationcode: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Pleaseenter this information in [Help]->[Registration] dialog of the program.  We recommend you to copy-paste registrationcode as sometimes people may confuse characters '0' (zero) with 'O' (Orange),etc.  Please note, you don't have todownload or reinstall this product again.
Thislicense releases all restrictions.  Ifyou have any questions about our products, don't hesitate to ask them.

FromJennifer (8/28/2011): Dear Jerry, May I ask you to again to evaluate our newproduct named JCopia on your blog in exchange for the free copy of the productfor you ? Last time you helped us very much and we decided to contact you again.  You may create a short review in any languageyou want, on any your blog/forum, or just place the link below anywhere on yourblog. If you use Facebook (you are welcome to become my friend, my page is,Twitter, Digg or MySpace, please mention about this tool there.
Thelink : <a href="">Captureflash video and audio from any website to your computer</a>
Hereis a brief information about our product:
Haveyou ever thought how to download video and audio from flash players on internetsites like Youtube, Google Video, MySpace, DailyMotion, Metacafe, Break,Blog sites of your friends with embedded audio and video content and soon?  So, JCopia does it all. It capturesflash video / audio / stream from any website to your computer as files. Justplay your media online and watch as JCopia saves any clip / music / movieto your computer. 
JCopiadetects and begins to download any clip, video, music, radio stream, videostream, Flash game or presentation that is played in your browser. Increase yourvideo and audio collection with JCopia now! It is a very convenient tool for collections video and audio files ondisk.
Downloadand install JCopia 4.7.0:
Learnmore what is included in JCopia 4.7.0:
Feelfree to include a link to you article:
<ahref="">Captureflash video and audio from any website to your computer</a>
Feelfree to learn more about JCopia from video on youtube:
Lookingforward to hearing from you.

From Me (8/29/2011): No, I don't thinkso, and I can't believe that you consider what I did last time as beinghelpful.  For it was a fairly negative review.  Are you going withthe modern attitude of, "Any publicity is good publicity," or is itthat you never actually read what I wrote before?

From Deborah(11/17/2011): Dear Jerry, It is again me :) Remember me ? Last time you promoted ourproduct for license. I hope you received it and enjoy the product.  This time I want to offer you to promote ournew product called Riviera for Skype. It is a Skype call recorder.  In exchange for promotion you will receive afull copy of the product.  You need tocreate a short post with a few sentences about Riviera for Skype (like I wrotebelow) and include this back link:
<ahref="">SkypeCall Recorder</a>
Rivierafor Skype is a Skype call recorder. It automatically records Skype calls andconversations to MP3 files.  Veryconvenient for recording interviews, tech talks, conferences, audio casts, podcasts for learning later, etc.
Youmay get more food for thought from Riviera for Skype home page:
Hereis a link to download Riviera for Skype :
Anddon't forget to add me to Facebook friends. My Facebook page:
Ifyou are not interested, please ignore this email.

From Me(11/17/2011):I am sorry, I do not remember you.  I do remember dealing with Stacey, Alise,Isabella and Jennifer before, and if your records were even close to accurate,I do not believe that you would want to remember me.  For the only reviewI have published about a Digeus product stopped just short of not recommendingit for use--let alone purchase, and I have tried to make it quite clear toeveryone associated with your company since that I was not interested in doinganother review because of having no confidence in the quality of your customerservice.  After all, if it is apparently impossible to document the case ofan unhappy reviewer, what can an unhappy customer expect?  Pleaseunderstand that I am not blaming you for this gross incompetence, but if youreally are a Senior Public Relations Specialist, I would highly recommend youdoing what you can to make some very necessary changes.

From Deborah(11/17/2011):Dear Jerry, I am so sorry for my previous colleagues. How can I fix the problemwith you? What kind of licensed you didn't receive last time? I will solve it.

From Me(11/18/2011):I suppose the easiest way to explain it to you, is to provide a link to the originalreview.  In any event, I still wouldn't want to publish anotherreview.  Besides, I don't use Skype, nor have a camera set-up to doso.  So, I wouldn't be a good pick, anyway.

From Deborah(11/18/2011):Dear Jerry, Here is your license for Registry Cleaner. No comments what youwrote in review. It is a disease. Incurable. According to your logic - don'tstart computer until you know know how it works.
Registrationname: Jerry Beuterbaugh
Registrationcode: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

From Me(11/18/2011): Yes,you should go far in customer service.

From Deborah(11/19/2011): Dear Fishhawk, We would like to promoteour Skype Call Recorder on your blog. Its name is Riviera for Skype.  In exchange for promotion you will receive afull copy of the product.  You need tocreate a short post with a few sentences about Riviera for Skype (like I wrotebelow) and include this back link:
<a href="">SkypeCall Recorder</a>
Riviera for Skype is a Skype call recorder. It automatically records Skypecalls and conversations to MP3 files.  Veryconvenient for recording interviews, tech talks, conferences, audio casts, podcasts for learning later, etc.  You mayget more food for thought from Riviera for Skype 3.6.30475 home page:
Here is a link to download Riviera for Skype 3.6.30475:
If you are not interested, please ignore this email.

From Me(11/21/2011):Here is a link to what I just published.

From Deborah(11/21/2011):Dear Jerry, Thank you for your desire to create a review.  Please send me the link to your review assoon as you create it.  Here is yourregistration information:
Registrationname: Jerry Beuterbaugh
Registrationcode: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Pleaseenter this information in [Help]->[Registration] dialog of the program.  We recommend you to copy-paste registrationcode as sometimes people may confuse characters '0' (zero) with 'O' (Orange),etc.
Pleasenote, you don't have to download or reinstall this product again.
Thislicense releases all restrictions.  Ifyou have any questions about our products, don't hesitate to ask them.

Inregards to Deborah’s shot about having to know how something works beforetrying it, this is not really a bad idea at all—especially when it comes toregistry cleaners.  For I have read somehorror stories about bad registry cleaners deleting essential files thatrequired a reinstall of some programs in order to make them usable again.

Needless to say (I hope), I do not need to know just exactly how something works before I will try it, but it would be helpful to give reviewers a fully-functional product to try.  For how is one supposed to give an informed opinion on how somethings works until they are able to actually use it?

Alas,far too many companies have embraced the philosophy of, “Whatever we make, someidiot will buy it, and if they become unhappy, there are many more idiots outthere.”  This appears to be especiallytrue in cyberspace, and there appears to be no question about it when it comesto Digeus, Jiteco or whatever they go to call themselves next.

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