Come Monday...Remedy Skin Repair Cream

“Come Monday…” is aweekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, televisionshows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will begenerally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “ComeMonday.”  This is subject to change,however.  In fact, I would be mostderelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can begood—right?  Therefore, since good isgenerally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the paralleluniverses that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as beingsomething positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Yes,there is nothing like looking at a really gross picture to help purge the remainsof Turkey Day overindulgence from your system, but that is not what I am goingfor here.  For this is really aboutsomething that can really help with skin conditions like that.

No,that is not a picture of my right leg, but both of my lower legs look quitesimilar.  It is called [Venous Ulcers],and in my own particular case, the bumps are a lot more pronounced.  In fact, most of mine are at least a half ofan inch tall and cover at least two-thirds of the area between my knee andankle.

Tobe perfectly honest about it, I do not know if that is really what I’vegot.  For the last few doctors who haveexamined me have just nodded their heads in recognition, but no officialdiagnosis was made.

Youwill find a diagnosis of [Edema] in my medical records, and this is what I’vegot in my head as the cause for whatever is going on now.  For the first sores appeared where the skinon my lower leg had burst from extreme swelling, and those sores evidently grewinto the mess that remains.

Yes,I have been tested for poor circulation, which was one of the most painfulthings I can recall ever having to endure. For whatever I have makes even the slightest point of pressureexcruciating, and while they were going over my lower legs with an [ultrasound]wand, it felt like they were pressing down on them with a rather large vise.

Oh,and it was all for naught, I suppose. For they concluded that I do not suffer from poor circulation in mylower legs.

Sinceit does not really bother me until one of our pups starts feeling neglected andgoes to get my attention by putting their front paws on one of my shins, I havenot given it much thought.  My wife isoften used by our Heavenly Father to help remove my head from my rear, however,and she asked me to see if [Remedy Skin Repair Cream] might help.

Asusual, I said that I would, and then didn’t. When He had her tell me, “You think that you are going to die before yourlegs will have to be amputated, but that’s not what’s going to happen,” Istarted using the stuff.

Toput it mildly, IT IS ABSOLUTELYAMAZING!!!  For I could see asignificant reduction in the size of the bumps after just the firstapplication!

Alas,I cannot say that it all better now.  Formy calves still look more like [regulation-sized footballs] than the way theyshould, but I can tell you that it is looking better and better.

No,this is not a paid review, but I would still highly recommend this product toanyone with a troublesome skin condition. Oh, and I might add that it also smells plumb purty, but my manlymanliness won’t allow it.

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