Trib Updates

This is a weeklyseries that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have beenpublished on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to gocheck out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a numberof truly outstanding authors.  Moreover,I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributingmember/author, as well.  The “HearYe!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near thetop of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Yes, this series also included an “SOS! (SpamOn Saturdays)”  segment before, but itjust wasn’t working for me.  Therefore,that will be replaced by a republishing of one of the Trib articles.

[Free Noise Pollution Printable Coloring Book from the EPA!] has Lavender Darwinpointing-out that “scratch ‘n’ sniff” has been taken in an entirely differentdirection.

[So Bad It’s Good?] has me showing great unappreciation for what some considerclever.

[No More Dell Computers for Me] has Lavender feeling unappreciated.

[Bee Gees – Holiday] is one of Lavender’s favorite songs.

[Unbelievable]has Lavender calling attention to political correctness still running amok inGreat Britain.

[I Wonder if Jimmy Wales Reads the Trib Times Herald?] has Lavender musing aboutwhy Wikipedia keeps refusing to host advertising.

[“Woke up this morning with pain in my vas deferens…”] is another Lavender rant againstvasectomies.

[Ann Coulter and Mitt Romney] has Lavender waxing political.

Parental Guidance Is Warranted
This Goes Double For Lavender

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