KFC Zinger Double Down - double the heat and meat!

Here's a view of my meal last week. One KFC Hot Shots and a Zinger Double Down. Yes! the famous meaty sandwich with two chicken meat, cheese and bacon is back but this time they add the zinger spice. Last time we have the Double Down as a regular double chicken meat sandwich, It was a popular meal in KFC and I even heard that they ran out of stocks of this sandwich meat to some branches and I got the chance of eating one Double Down after 3 months. But I noticed that the Double Down version 2 is more different because they carry the Zinger spice and transformed it to Zinger Double Down! Doubling the meat and the heat. The buzz started about Zinger Double Down here at home after KFC delivered that mini fire extinguisher and I taught that if it's for the fire department house check up hahaha. (More story below)

I didn't even know that it is a hot and spicy treat, so my KFC Hot Shots got a little deadma because the chicken chunks of Hot shots is hot spicy too! I automatically ordered an another round of Coca Cola drinks in KFC, because I just can't take the heat out of my tongue.

I brought some Zinger Double Down at home and my wife tried it, she told me that the Z DD is not hot spicy, but two of us at home who tried it confirmed that the Z DD is hot spicy, so we stop giving some Z DD meat to my son Ashton, But I'm glad that the hot spicy part is not present on some parts of the Z DD. I told my wife that she's already immune to hot spicy flavor, because she is a kimchi addict every meal time at home.

So round 2 of my Zinger Double Down moment was last night. We ate in KFC and then my wife told me to buy rice and gravy for their Z DD, then I saw that you can really eat the Z DD as your ulam. After finishing my Z DD sandwich, I tried eating it with rice and yeahh it is still yummy. AND heavy in your tummy.

KFC Zinger Double Down is available in all KFC nationwide!

Have you tried Zinger Double Down?
oks ba?

For me, I want this food to be a mainstay in the menu at KFC Philippines

check out this TVC about Zinger Double Down

My 1st Zinger Double Down paired with Hot Shots

pure chicken meat! no bread included

inside: melting cheese and bacon meat

my 2nd Zinger Double Down ( no Hot Shots for today hehehe)

another version...you can see the bacon in this pic
I imagine that this one is like a clam


