Trib Updates

This is a weeklyseries that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have beenpublished on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to gocheck out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a numberof truly outstanding authors.  Moreover,I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributingmember/author, as well.  The “HearYe!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near thetop of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Yes, this series also included an “SOS! (SpamOn Saturdays)”  segment before, but itjust wasn’t working for me.  Therefore,that will be replaced by a republishing of one of the Trib articles.

[Al Mohler’s Briefing on 11-04-11] provides some commentary by Lavender on an AlMohler presentation.

[Rocksmith Guitar Game Makes Sense] is a very positive review by Lavender (for a change).

[Twelve Nurses Forced To Take Part In Abortions] has Lavender calling attention to apossible very despicable rules violation.

[Simpsons 9-11 Reference] has Lavender pointing out something that it downright spooky(naturally-speaking, of course).

[Fox News, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Big Oil, and Goofiness] has Lavender trying to makeup for being so nice in the Rocksmith Guitar Game review.

[Revenge of The Mummy POV Universal Studios Florida Roller Coaster] is something elsethat we have come to expect from Lavender.

[Billy Joel – The Stranger] has Lavender ruining another good song for me.

[Duggars and #20] is from Lavender, which should be enough to say.

[The People’s Cube] has Lavender drawing attention to a provocative site.

[Hunt for Red Obama] has Lavender showing us that communist plots have not gone outof fashion (at least not in the minds of the Tea Partiers)How.

[How to Close a Facebook Account] gives us some indications of what Lavender’s exitstrategy may entail.

[Steve Taylor – Hero] has Lavender calling attention to a pretty good song.

[Peter Gabriel on Letterman] has Lavender providing us with some footage from themini-concert.

[The GOP and 2012] has Lavender pointing out some things that may indicate that the Mayansknew what they were talking about.

[Thank You Veterans] goes to show that Lavender may actually have a couple of marblesleft.

“Are you still so dull?”  Jesus asked them.
Ifirst started not liking [Penn State] very much when their football team beatmy beloved [Missouri Tigers] in the [1970 Orange Bowl], 10-3.  Yes, I have made it quite clear that my firstlove is the [Arkansas Razorbacks], but with me spending more time in the stateof misery than opportunity, I have found it prudent to save some love for good ol’Mizzou.

Anyway,that Orange Bowl victory came at the end of [Joe Paterno’s] fifth season as thehead football coach at Penn State, which would make this season be his 45th.  Of course, since my trusty old solar-poweredCasio calculator died, I have had to do my mathematical cypherin’ on mynot-so-trusty, even older and non-solar-powered abacus.  So, I might be off a decade or two.

Didyou happen to take note of the score of that Orange Bowl game?  This is typical of the 400+ victories underPaterno.  For he has them playingsmash-mouth football, which is a very exciting style if you enjoy seeing theteams trying to run over the other.  Forthe rest of us, it can be excruciatingly dull.

Despitethe area where the main campus of Penn State is located being called HappyValley, I would think that it would require being a rather dull person toattend the school.  For a great deal ofPennsylvania is quite mountainous, which leads to pockets of isolation, and asyou can see from the map, State College, which is the middle of the map andwhere the main campus of Penn State is located, is in a very isolated pocket.

Ifyou can’t see it, please take my word for it. For I have been just north of State College on I-80 more times than I’dlike to remember, and it takes a while to get anywhere from there.
Putit this way, it is a good three (and much more likely over four) hour drive toPittsburgh, even in a sports car with a lot of power and corners well.  Yes, it is somewhat closer to Harrisburg, butI haven’t heard much about it being the place to party—have you?

Eventhe Penn State football uniforms reek of dullness.  They claim that it is meant as an homage tothe past, but dark-blue jerseys and plain white helmets are just plaindull.  Perhaps in another twenty years orso, they will add the Nittany Lion logo (as shown above) to one side of theirhelmets like the Pittsburgh Steelers do, which is stupid (and not necessarilybetter than dull).

Asreferenced with Matthew 15:16, there is another meaning to dull, and this isappearing to be more and more applicable to Joe Paterno and the administrationof the Penn State Athletic Department. For it is being alleged that [Jerry Sandusky] engaged in a pattern of [sexual assaults] upon very young boys associated with [The Second Mile Charity] whileand after he was Paterno’s defensive coordinator, and the stuff is starting tohit the proverbial fan about Paterno knowing about at least one incident thathappened in 2002 involving a 10 year-old boy being molested by Sandusky in ashower room at the Penn State Athletic Complex.

SincePaterno reported what he was told to the athletic director, he is not beinginvestigated for any legal wrongdoing, but since he clearly saw that nothing reallycame of the molestation accusation, shouldn’t he have wanted to get to thebottom of it on his own?  After all,Paterno is supposed to be a man of great integrity, and letting something likethat be swept under the proverbial rug would have had to have torn his gutsout—right?

Alas,I must admit that I can naturally be just as hypocritical as you about somethings.  Well, maybe not quite that bad,but the point I am trying to get to is that I would have a very different perspectiveabout this if Sandusky had of been getting busy with some cheerleaders (reallygood-looking female cheerleaders, just to be clear) over the years.  In fact, he could have been taking someincoming freshmen co-eds on an intimate tour of the dorm rooms, but I have todraw the line on little boys and girls.

Inall fairness, Paterno may be able to honestly say that he really didn’t knowanything, which makes him about as dull as one can get in every sense of theword.  What do you think (or know)?

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