Tweaking the whole day

Been busy the past few days working on some projects that I'm handling, been working and do a lot of multi-tasking stunts and Its hard to do them at the same time (work-blog-baby sit), and also add a little of blogging some stuff here in my blog. My time got eaten up and one of my work got delayed for a month, but I got the time to finish it today and I'm so proud to show it to my team, I just hope that they will agree on my concept design and few revision, I already surrendered in making that design for a tv ad, I missed creating it and see it on tv but I need to let it go as one of the task that I got assigned. I need to upgrade also and clean up my laptop, the next event and project is coming and I need a lot of speed in my duo core laptop. (thinking of getting a faster laptop next year)

My energy is back and I'm going to finish The Walking Dead Season 2 today and will update more here in my blogs, Lots of backlogs are piling up near my seat, I must publish this before December yay.

