Come Monday...What Does It Matter?

“Come Monday…” is aweekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, televisionshows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will begenerally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “ComeMonday.”  This is subject to change,however.  In fact, I would be mostderelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can begood—right?  Therefore, since good isgenerally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the paralleluniverses that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as beingsomething positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Well,I was all raring to go with a piece about my adventures in video production,along with singing the praises of Wolf and Trina over at [BlogDumps], but itwould seem that the RSS feed for this site quit working after the last ComeMonday… was published.  Besides, I amfeeling worse than normal tonight, and I am certainly not in the mood to have aknock-down, drag-out fight with Blogger over making things look half-waypresentable here.

So,that will be about all for this.  Yeah,it may very well be the best I have ever published.

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