September 2011 is a good month to start collecting DC Comics


I’m going back to collect comics and maybe I’ll follow on selected titles only, been absent in the world of comics lately and I think it’s a good start to buy, collect and read new stories coming up for this month of September, because if you don’t know yet, all 52 titles of DC comics will be rebooted to issue 1, why did they do that after all these years? Maybe because its their marketing and brand move for the coming century for DC comics. All titles will be back to issue number 1 and I experienced it before the hype and great comic madness after buying and collecting issue 1 when JLA was published last 1997, it moves me back to comic collecting and trigger my feet to troop down to Comic Quest and Filbars every Saturday to hunt the latest issue of JLA. ( MORE STORY BELOW)

JLA comics is a revamped of the Justice League comics after receiving low sales of the old title, then DC decides to relaunch it under a new title JLA and focuses only to 7 super heroes , and the story is written by Grant Morrison and art by Howard Porter, it was the best comic series for me, and I started collecting the comics until issue 20, then I stopped buying and focused my self in collecting toys, then I heard the bad news that Grant Morrison left the gig. I know it will affect the whole series, but then the comic went well after some issues.

You can see here that revamping or relaunching comic titles like what DC Comics is going to do starting this September will have a new direction and also audience for their other titles. I’m very interested to check out other titles and the good ness in collecting comics from issue 1 is that you’ll be focusing on a new story line with some new character development, because it is not just a reboot of the comics, but it is also reboot of the character’s costume and other story revolves on it, let’s consider this the new age for DC comics, I’m still waiting for the right term on what age shall we call for the new reboot of DC Comics, maybe we can call it the DC Comics REBOOT age, following after the Golden and Silver age of comics.

Collecting comics is like having an investment too, so if you are into business or want to keep the comics and buy extra copies, these issue 1 titles might have a price increase in the future, in my experience for example, the JLA comics that I collected back in my college days helped me in paying for my college tuition fee for the whole year and that’s a big money,I just got lucky that there’s this hardcore comic collector who missed the entire issue 1-20 of JLA and want to buy the whole set with a good price. I got lucky so I sold my comics in order to continue my studies because that year was my life being as a bread winner for my family and having a small business in comics and toys kept my college years stable for some years, but then I stopped and continued on focusing other stuff like other businesses.

Its hard to accept the change of costumes of some superheroes for the REBOOT Age of DC Comics, I know everyone are not in favor of removing the red trunks of Superman and replacing it with a plain blue trunks and armor like belt and chest plate, I think they are doing this in line with the upcoming REBOOT of a Superman movie titled “Man of Steel” but its just so weird because they want to move the comics first and apply the new designs for the movie, the upcoming Man of Steel movie will be out for next year and we aren’t sure if the comic will stay with the new costume and not end up like the 1st change of costume of Superman few years ago, remember that Superman turned into a pure electric energy, and they returned him back to the original costume because the comic sales went down. For this REBOOT Age of DC Comics, I think DC Comics will gamble and they will stick for the new designs for GOOD. Even that the fans will hate it, but I know having a reboot to issue number 1 will turn out good, because comic collectors will be the target here and not mainly the avid comic reader, and also a good start to get new audience for the comic book, especially kids and young adults. So the joke on why do superheroes wear their pants first before the underwear will be gone for awhile, but we might laugh on the next coming years that it is so silly to see superheroes wearing spandex and underwear when they go in battle, its an iconic image for superheroes with those costumes and its hard to accept it that it will be buried in the past.

Remember what happened to the Wonder Woman costume, they changed it and removed the iconic bikini like outfit and replaced it with a new version Wonder Woman in a pants or tights, after some issues of the comics, they brought it back again, but then the debate comes back when the new tv series for Wonder Woman was filmed and we saw the Wonder Woman in pants, and then fans went on a debate again and demanded to see the original costume, the tv producers rebooted the series and changed it to the original version, but the sad news came that the tv series was canceled even before the pilot episode was aired, due to cancellation of tv networks in buying the series to air it. The plan of reboot for series turned bad in changing costume, but if the film or tv series is very successful, they concept or costume of the character can be applied into comics and because of the acceptance of fans and new readers, the costume can stay in the comics.

The trend started after a series of movies of the X-men, and other films like Batman Begins and etc. The costume from the movies was applied to the comics and it seems so okay and very realistic to deal with it, no more colorful spandex and funny gimmicks or weapons, the success of this change of costumes in films will bring success also to comics, I also noticed on Batman’s new costume design for this REBOOT age of DC Comics , it is similar or close to similar on the designs they used on Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, check out the chest costume of Batman, it looks like from Chirs Nolan’s film. The only thing that never change is the Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Flash costume. I’m so glad that they didn’t applied that Green Lantern movie costume, because it is so different but I like the concept that the costume is a pure energy, I’m not sure if this will apply to the comics but I have a very big feeling that they might follow some design and concept from the film. And for Wonder Woman in pants costume…case closed and you know already the story behind it.

So what do you think of this new issue and reboot age of DC Comics ? I’m going to dig the comic book store on my next pay day and yesss!!! Its comic shopping time!

Adding the list of comic stores to hunt DC Comics are - Comic Odyssey, Comic Quest, Filbars, Druid’s Keep and Fourth Wall. Let the comic collecting begins!

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