Reading blogs via mobile is fun


I love reading blogs on my mobile phone and thanks to this Snaptu app on my Nokia C3, I imported all blogs that I follow in my Google Reader. I read around 70 plus blogs on my phone for the 2nd time and I always do that whenever I’m not busy or just killing some time. I surfed around for almost 2 hours reading some blogs while waiting for the time of my meeting, I got bored and then decided to surf and read blogs for 2 hours and Its like rediscovering the blogs that I’m follow and found out that other blogs are no longer updating or transferred to a new blog url and host, I should have updated my Google Reader and import new blogs. Its fun, now I’m wondering what will be my activity if ever I have my own tablet , I think the use of it will not be just for playing games but also reading blogs.

I’m going to update my blog list and then add more blogs here in my mobile phone.

