Trib Updates and SOS!

This is a weekly seriesthat will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have beenpublished on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to gocheck out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a numberof truly outstanding authors.  Moreover,I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributingmember/author, as well.  The “HearYe!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near thetop of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Along with the updates, there will be somecommentary on some of the spam that has been sent my way, which is what theSOS! (Spam On Saturdays!) is all about. No, I do not expect to accomplish anything with the spammers.  For if they understood what they are doing,surely they wouldn’t be doing it, but it will make me feel better, which is allthat counts—right?

[Philadelphia Flash Mobs] contains a segment of a ABC Nightline program aboutsocial-networking sites being used to organize destructive rampages similar towhat has been going in England over here, along with some of my astute commentary, of course.

[To the guy who cut me off in traffic the other day…] contains another rant byLavender Darwin.  I think about whatshould be rather obvious.

[TSA Porn Will Soon Be Very Lame] a tongue-in-cheek observation by me about theproposed changes to airport screenings.

[Bath Salts?] contains a video of a new segment about a not-so-new drug craze that Ihadn’t heard about until very recently.

[The Ridiculous EVOLVE Tattoo] contains another report filed by the intrepidLavender Darwin about how evolution cannot be true when we seem to be gettingworse instead of better.

[EPSN’s Blueprint For Change] contains my thoughts on the debate about compensatingcollege athletes.

[Answers in Genesis 1:28] contains another provocative article by Lavender Darwin aboutone of his favorite subjects.

[More Thoughts on Cigarette Warning Labels and How It Should Apply To Booze…] hasLavender Darwin taking his focus off of how many children one should have forat least the time being.

[Yahoo! Smut Ads!] has Lavender ranting about there being too many naked woman emailinghim.

From: Barrister ThomasChambers


Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011at 3:19 PM

Subject: BarristerThomas Thompson Esq.

I once again notify youas my earlier letter were returned
undelivered that late Engr. Jurger Krugger made you a beneficiary
to his WILL. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred
Thousand Dollars USD$30,100.000.00 to you in the Codicil and last
testament to his WILL.This may sound strange and unbelievable to
you, but it is real and true.
Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me
as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. I hope to hear
from you in no distant time.
Note: You are advise to contact me with my personal
I await your prompt response.
Yours in Service,

Sincethere are no longer any question marks in Engr. Jurger Krugger’s name, anyconfusion about his background must have been cleared-up.  Of course, it may just be as a result of achange of jurisdiction.  For the previousemail I received about this appeared to have been generated out of the UnitedKingdom legal system while this one comes from Australia (or western china).

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