Bob Dylan vs. Leon Russell

A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Bob Dylan
Oh where have youbeen
My blue-eyed son
And where have youbeen
My darling youngone
I’ve stumbled onthe side
Of twelve mistymountains
I’ve walked andI’ve crawled
On six crookedhighways
I’ve stepped in themiddle
Of seven sadforests
I’ve been out infront
Of a dozen deadoceans
I’ve been tenthousand miles
In the mouth of agraveyard

And it’s a hard
And it’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s
A-gonna fall

Oh what did you see
My blue-eyed son
And what did yousee
My darling youngone
I saw a newbornbaby
With wild wolvesall around it
I saw a highway ofdiamonds
With nobody on it
I saw a blackbranch
With blood thatkept drippin’
I saw a room fullof men
With their hammersa-bleedin’
I saw a whiteladder
All covered withwater
I saw ten thousandtalkers
Whose tongues wereall broken
I saw guns andsharp swords
In the hands ofyoung children

And it’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
And it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s
A-gonna fall

And what did youhear
My blue-eyed son
And what did youhear
My darling youngone
I heard the soundof a thunder
That roared out awarnin’
I heard the roar ofa wave
That could drownthe whole world
I heard one hundreddrummers
Whose hands were a-blazin’
I heard tenthousand whisperin’
And nobodylistenin’
I heard one personstarve
I heard many peoplelaughin’
I heard the song ofa poet
Who died in thegutter
I heard the soundof a clown
Who cried in thealley

And it’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s
A-gonna fall

Oh who did you meet
My blue-eyed son
Who did you meet
My darling youngone
I met a young child
Beside a dead pony
I met a white man
Who walked a blackdog
I met a young woman
Whose body wasburnin’
I met a young girl
She gave me arainbow
I met one man
Who was wounded inlove
I met another man
Who was wounded in hatred

And it’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s
A-gonna fall

Oh what’ll you donow
My blue-eyed son
And what’ll you donow
My darling youngone
I’m a-goin’ backout
‘Fore the rainstarts a-fallin’
I’ll walk to thedepths
Of the deepest darkforest
Where the peopleare many
And their hands areall empty
Where the pelletsof poison
Are flooding theirwaters
Where the home inthe valley
Meets the dampdirty prison
And theexecutioner’s face
Is always wellhidden
Where hunger isugly
Where the souls areforgotten
Where black is thecolor
Where none is thenumber
And I’ll tell it
And speak it
And think it
And breathe it
And reflect it fromthe mountain
So all souls cansee it
Then I’ll stand onthe ocean
Until I startsinkin’
But I’ll know mysong well
Before I startsingin’

And it’s a hard
It’s a hard
It’s a hard
And it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s
 A-gonna fall

A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Leon Russell
Tell me
Where have you been
My blue-eyed son
Where have you been
My darlin’ youngone
I’ve stumbled up onthe side
Of twelve mistymountains
I’ve walked andI’ve crawled
Over six crookedhighways
I’ve stepped out inthe middle
Of seven sadforests
I’ve been out in front
Of a dozen deadoceans

I tell ya
It’s hard
Yeah it’s hard
Well it’s hard
Oh it’s hard yeah
It’s a hard rain’s
A-gonna fall

Tell me
What did you see
My blue-eyed son
What did you see
My darlin’ youngone
I saw a blackbranch drippin’
With blood allaround it
I saw a room fullof men
With their hammersbleedin'
I saw a whiteladder
All covered withwater
I saw ten thousandtalkers
Whose tongues wereall broken

Well it's hard
Yes it's hard
Yes it's hard
Oh yeah
It's a hard rain's
A-gonna fall

Tell me
What did you hear
My blue-eyed son
What did you hear
My darlin’ young one
I heard one hundreddrummers
Hands that wereblazin'
Ten thousandwhisperin'
And nobodylistenin'
I heard one personstarve
I heard many peoplelaughin'
I heard the song ofa poet
Who died in thegutter

Well it's hard
Yes it's hard
Yes it's hard
Oh it's hard yeah
It's a hard rain's
A-gonna fall

Well what'll you donow
My blue-eyed son
What'll you do now
My darlin’ youngone
Well I'll walk tothe depths
Of the deepestblack forest
Where the peopleare many
And their hands areall empty
Where the pelletsof poison
Are floodin’ thewaters
But I'll know mysong well
And I sure won'tforget it

‘Cause it’s hard
Yes it's hard
Well it's hard
Oh yeah
It's a hard rain's
A-gonna fall


Lyrics From: [Bob Dylan Songs]

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