TFT: Bob Dylan (2)

Not every song thatwill be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian”in the eyes of this world.  For some willbe anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviouslyferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (inone way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear the message.

Lay Lady Lay
Bob Dylan
Lay lady lay
Lay across my bigbrass bed

Lay lady lay
Lay across my bigbrass bed

Whatever colors youhave
In your mind
I’ll show them toyou
And you’ll see themshine

Lay lady lay
Lay across my bigbrass bed

Stay lady stay
Stay with your manawhile

Until the break ofday
Let me see you makehim smile
His clothes aredirty
But his hands areclean
And you’re the bestthing
That he’s ever seen

Stay lady stay
Stay with your manawhile

Why wait any longer
For the world tobegin
You can have yourcake
And eat it too
Why wait any longer
For the one youlove
When he’s standing
In front of you

Lay lady lay
Lay across my bigbrass bed

Stay lady stay
Stay while thenight is still ahead

I long to see you
In the morninglight
I long to reach foryou
In the night

Stay lady stay
Stay while thenight is still ahead

Tangled Up In Blue
Bob Dylan
Early one mornin’the sun was shinin’
I was layin’ in bed
Wonderin’ if she’dchanged at all
If her hair wasstill red
Her folks they saidour lives together
Sure was gonna berough
They never did likeMama’s homemade dress
Papa’s bankbookwasn’t big enough
And I was standin’on the side of the road
Rain fallin’ on myshoes
Heading out for theEast Coast
Lord knows I’vepaid some dues
Gettin’ through
Tangled up in blue

She was marriedwhen we first met
Soon to be divorced
I helped her out ofa jam I guess
But I used a littletoo much force
We drove that caras far as we could
Abandoned it outWest
Split up on a darksad night
Both agreeing itwas best
She turned aroundto look at me
As I was walkin’away
I heard her sayover my shoulder
We’ll meet againsomeday
On the avenue
Tangled up in blue

I had a job in thegreat north woods
Working as a cookfor a spell
But I never didlike it all that much
And one day the axjust fell
So I drifted downto New Orleans
Where I happened tobe employed
Workin’ for a whileon a fishin’ boat
Right outside ofDelacroix
But all the while Iwas alone
The past was closebehind
I’d seen a lot ofwomen
But she neverescaped my mind
And I just grew
Tangled up in blue

She was workin’ ina topless place
And I stopped infor a beer
I just kept lookin’at the side of her face
In the spotlight soclear
And later on as thecrowd thinned out
I’s just about todo the same
She was standingthere in back of my chair
Said to me
Don’t I know yourname
I mutteredsomethin’ underneath my breath
She studied thelines on my face
I must admit I felta little uneasy
When she bent downto tie the laces
Of my shoe
Tangled up in blue

She lit a burner onthe stove
And offered me apipe
I thought you’dnever say hello she said
You look like the silenttype
Then she opened upa book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by anItalian poet
From the thirteenthcentury
And every one ofthem words rang true
And glowed likeburnin’ coal
Pourin’ off ofevery page
Like it was writtenin my soul
From me to you
Tangled up in blue

I lived with themon Montague Street
In a basement downthe stairs
There was music inthe cafés at night
And revolution inthe air
Then he startedinto dealing with slaves
And something insideof him died
She had to selleverything she owned
And froze up inside
And when finallythe bottom fell out
I became withdrawn
The only thing Iknew how to do
Was to keep onkeepin’ on
Like a bird thatflew
Tangled up in blue

So now I’m goin’back again
I got to get to hersomehow
All the people weused to know
They’re an illusionto me now
Some aremathematicians
Some arecarpenters’ wives
Don’t know how itall got started
I don’t know whatthey’re doin’ with their lives
But me, I’m stillon the road
Headin’ for anotherjoint
We always did feelthe same
We just saw it froma different point
Of view
Tangled up in blue

Lyrics From: [Bob Dylan Songs]

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