Trib Updates


This is a weeklyseries that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have beenpublished on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to gocheck out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a numberof truly outstanding authors.  Moreover,I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributingmember/author, as well.  The “HearYe!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near thetop of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Yes, this series also included an “SOS! (SpamOn Saturdays)”  segment before, but itjust wasn’t working for me.  Therefore,that will be replaced by a republishing of one of the Trib articles.

[Unashamed to be a Baptist] has Lavender Darwin providing us with some podcasts that helpto illustrate why he is not ashamed to be a Baptist.

[Flying Water Iron Man Thingie] is another thing that Lavender would like to see underhis Christmas tree.

[John Grisham’s Newest Legal Thriller: “The Gavel”!] provides us with a sneak peek ata new collaboration between him and Lavender.

[Christopher Hitchens vs. Mother Theresa and Cain vs. Able] is another thing that Lavenderis not ashamed of.

[Intelligently-Redesigned Doonesbury – Part 3] has Lavender waxing comical again.

[Catholics Come Home? I Don’t Think So…] helps to make it even more abundantly clear thatLavender is not a big fan of Catholicism.

[Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62] is a surprisingly very sympathetic lament from Lavender.

All who want tostand upon their own merits will be permitted to do so, come Judgment Day.

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