Trib Updates

This is a weeklyseries that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have beenpublished on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to gocheck out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a numberof truly outstanding authors.  Moreover,I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributingmember/author, as well.  The “HearYe!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near thetop of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Yes, this series also included an “SOS! (SpamOn Saturdays)”  segment before, but itjust wasn’t working for me.  Therefore,that will be replaced by a republishing of one of the Trib articles.

[Lavender Being Washed Out] contains some information on what Lavender Darwin is being torturedwith.

[Day 34] is from Squinty Whistles, who is a new contributing author to The Trib.

[Day 57] provides us with as much information on where Squinty is going with this asDay 34 did.

[Day 62] makes as much sense as Day 34 and Day 57 did.

[Free Lavender Darwin!!!] shows that his legal team is running out of funds.

[Day 102] provides us with no more help than Day 34, Day 57 and Day 62 did.

Ifyou are not a fan of the [NFL], nor college football, nor caught an occasionalsports segment on your local news broadcast, nor pay any attention to thecomings and goings in the American Christian community, you may have neverheard of [Tim Tebow].  To get you up tospeed, he is the current starting quarterback for the [Denver Broncos].  Before that, he was the starting quarterbackfor the [Florida Gators], where he was part of two national championship teams.

Healso won the [Heisman Trophy] while at Florida, and the following video helpsto clarify why I find him so troubling.

No,he is not a fake.  That is, at least notin regards to him truly being the epitome of what is generally considered to bea Christian in the eyes of the Christian community, but there is a BIGdifference between merely having a semblance of knowledge about Christ Jesusand actually knowing Him in a very close and personal way.

Yes,it matters, and he has been given a perfect opportunity to help as many as willto see that our Heavenly Father really is actively involved in our dailylives.  For it is minor miracle everytime he completes a pass.

Yousee, Tim is really awful at throwing the ball most of the time.  In fact, he is so bad, the Denver Broncoshave had to almost completely revamp their offense to accommodate hislimitations.

Whywould they go to so much trouble?  Well,he has proven to be a fairly consistent winner in NFL so far, and it would bemost foolish of the Denver Broncos management to cut off their nose to spitetheir face (so to speak) by refusing to put him behind center.

Honestly,we are witnessing another David vs. Goliath situation here with Tim in theNFL.  For there is no way that he shouldbe having so much success against the defensive schemes he has been facing, andif he had any sort of close and personal relationship with our Heavenly Father,he would be the first to make that clear.

Instead,he talks about God having a plan for his life, and that he doesn’t pay any attentionto what others say about him, which is consistent with what has been so widelytaught.  For far too many have been ledto believe that our Heavenly Father couldn’t care less about what we think ofHim and His righteousness while the absolute truth of the matter is exactly theopposite.  Granted, our opinions will notmove Him to change His plans, but it grieves Him deeply that most do notunderstand, nor really want to.

Oh,but people are starting to notice, anyway. For I heard several sports commentators asking if we might be witnessinga higher power at work through Tim, and he has had nothing to say about that sofar.

Ofcourse, if Tim really doesn’t pay any attention to what others are saying, hewould miss things like that.  May he comeout of the shadows of Spiritual ignorance before it is too late.

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