TFT: The Highwaymen

Not every song thatwill be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian”in the eyes of this world.  For some willbe anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviouslyferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (inone way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear themessage.

The Highwaymen
I was a highwayman
Along the coachroads I did ride
With sword andpistol by my side
Many a young maidlost her baubles to my trade
Many a soldier shedhis lifeblood on my blade
The bastards hungme in the spring of twenty-five
But I am stillalive

I was a sailor
I was born upon thetide
And with the sea Idid abide
I sailed a schooneraround the Horn of Mexico
I went aloft andfurled the mainsail in a blow
And when the yardsbroke off they said that I got killed
But I am livingstill

I was a dam builder
Across the riverdeep and wide
Where steel andwater did collide
A place calledBoulder on the wild Colorado
I slipped and fellinto the wet concrete below
They buried me inthat great tomb that knows no sound
But I am stillaround
I’ll always bearound
And around
And around
And around
And around

I fly a starship
Across the universedivide
And when I reachthe other side
I’ll find a placeto rest my spirit if I can
Perhaps I maybecome a highwayman again
Or I may simply bea single drop of rain
But I will remain
And I’ll be backagain
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again

Born and Raised in Black and White
The Highwaymen
The wind blows hard
Across the Texasplains
Makes some people
Go insane
While othersquietly
Pray for rain
That’s where wecame from

Two boys playin’ inthe burnin’ sun
One with books
One with guns
Mama calls
But just one comes
The other one runs

In a crystal sense
Of wrong and right
We were born andraised
In black and white
One learned to pray
One learned tofight
We were born andraised
In black and white
We were born andraised
In black and white

Brother took to theGospel road
Spent his wholelife savin’ souls
When he looked atme
His blood ran cold
He didn’t even try

I had no dreams
I had no plans
But a gun felt good
In my right hand
The warden asked
How come you killedthat man
I said I don’t knowwhy

Welcome home
Said the hotmoonlight
We were born andraised
In black and white
One lives to pray
One prays for life
We were born andraised
In black and white
We were born andraised
In black and white

Someone handed me acigarette
They offered me mylast request
I asked my mortalsoul be blessed
By someone close tome

He came to me withtremblin’ hands
He swore he’d neverunderstand
I said it’s justwhat life had planned
It’s destiny

Don’t waste yourtears
On me tonight
We were born andraised
In black and white
I chose the dark
You chased theLight
We were born andraised
In black and white
We were born andraised
In black and white

The wind blows hard
Across the Texasplains
Makes some people
Go insane
While othersquietly
Pray for rain

Lyrics From:[Cowboy Lyrics]

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Faking Autumn

(Anarchy Street Boyfriend Sweater, C. Wonder Shirt, Alexander Wang Silk Balloon Skirt, Theysken's Theory Wedges, Rebecca Minkoff Clutch, Cartier Watch, Bracelets by Anarchy Street, CC Skye, Jules, Low Luv, C. Wonder, Anarchy Street Bracelet worn as Anklet)

I wanted to pretend that it was chilly by layering but who am I kidding, it was over 80 degrees in California and I was secretly burning up inside. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for this beautiful weather, but I just simply really wanted to wear this sweater.

Come Monday...Some More Fresh Air

“Come Monday…” is aweekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, televisionshows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will begenerally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “ComeMonday.”  This is subject to change,however.  In fact, I would be mostderelict in my duties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can begood—right?  Therefore, since good isgenerally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the paralleluniverses that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as beingsomething positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Earlylast summer, I was asked to publish something about [The Fresh Air Fund].  It can be read [here], and I hope this willbe a timely follow-up piece, which [Grace] helped to prompt.

Yes,it well past an opportune time to actually host a child in desperate need ofbreathing some fresh country air, but giving to worthy causes never goes out ofseason.  Be assured that The Fresh AirFund is indeed a worthy cause in a number of ways.

Insharp contrast, we have had some fairly recent encounters with charities rifewith uncharitable aggression and apathy. Since I am very hopeful that those encounters have been exceptions insteadof the rule, the names of the organizations involved will not be given.

Thefirst encounter involved a solicitation for a donation over the phone by acharity that we were able to give to last year, but our funds are not nearly asplentiful this year.  So, when my wifetold the caller that we would not be able to donate anything this year, heasked, “Why not?”  He even went on to askwhat was different about this year, since we were able to give before, whichwas very upsetting to us both.

IfI remember right, it was later in that very same week a little over a month agothat she received another almost identical telephoned solicitation from anothercharity that we had given to last year. This “inspired” me to find out what I could about what was going on, andI soon learned that both of the calls came through a third-party callcenter.  I was unable to find out if bothcalls came from the same place, but since the script was almost identical, Isuspect that they were.

Afterfinding out about the third-party call centers, I sought to get into contactwith the actual charities, and the one I was able to get into direct contactwith via email immediately began an investigation of their own.  Within a couple of days, they informed methat they had tracked-down who had made the call to us on their behalf, and afterreviewing the recordings of several other calls that he had made to others, he was fired.

Beassured that I did not want to see anyone lose their job.  For all I was looking for was an emphasisbeing made on there being a big difference between soliciting charitable donationsand collecting debts, but anyone with a semblance of common sense(naturally-speaking, of course) should already realize that—right?

Itwas a very different story with the other charity using a third-party callcenter to solicit donations, however. For they did not list an email address on their website.  So, I called the telephone number that waslisted, and the one answering the phone offered to take our names off of theirlist after evidently ignoring what I had told him about just wanting to helpthem right an ongoing wrong.  Afterrepeating my intentions a couple of times more, he finally put me on hold forthe director, and after almost an hour of waiting, I gave up.

Oh,but wait—there’s more!  For the secondcharity did have the name of the call center they were employing listed on thefront page of their website, and I was able to send an email to them.  Twenty-four days later, I received an emailfrom [MacRae’s Blue Book] that they had decided to not pass on my email to thecall center.  When I sent a reply back toMacRae’s about it looking like they were as serious about providing goodcustomer service as the call center was, it came back as undeliverable.

No,we are not quite done yet.  For when mysister-in-law went to donate their old couch after getting a new one, she hadto go to three different charity outlets before finding one that was willing toaccept it.  Now, I can understand if it hadbecome the home for a bunch of militant squirrels bent on the destruction ofall man-made items, but the only thing wrong with the couch was a very small(we’re talkin’ teeny-tiny here) tear in the fabric on one corner of the back.  Evidently, at least some beggars can affordto be choosers.

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Andong Agimat - animated short by Arnold Arre

This is astig!!!! you must watch this animated short created by comic creator Arnold Arre, from his graphic novel Andong Agimat... galeng!!!

"As a graphic novelist, I've always been frustrated with the limitations of the static comic book page. I wanted to see my drawings in motion and have the luxury to set them to sound and particularly music. Armed with experience from the many flip books I made as a kid, I managed to make my very first animated film, Andong Agimat: Kanya ang Kalye ("The Streets are His").. It's only 4 minutes long but it took around two weeks to make. I really had fun working on this and I hope you'll enjoy watching it. :)

*Andong Agimat is a character from my graphic novel Ang Mundo ni Andong Agimat ( He is a Pinoy superhero I created who wears a talisman that makes him invulnerable. - Arnold Arre"

Baseball Attire


Loving both of these outfits from head to toe! Especially the varsity jacket with the embellished cropped sleeves (possible DIY?!) and what about the matching houndstooth clutch and pumps?
The second image (need that sweater and the satin pumps!) reminds me of Sex and the City when Carrie dates the Yankee player and the girls are all dressed up to the max at the stadium.

Olga Maliouck by David Burton for Elle Italia September 2011
More Here

A Sunday Drive

Back during mychildhood, our parents would often load up my brother and me after Sundaymorning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived.  Even though we were seeing mostly familiarsights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” soundedabout right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that arewell worth seeing again and again.  Thelink below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the postit was first included in here.

 Link: [2012 Earth]

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Réalisé par Ching Siu Tung
Avec Zhang Yimou, Gong Li, Yu Rong Guang
Hong Kong
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Sauvant la vie de l'empereur, Mong Tienfong (Zhang Yimou) devient son garde personnel. Mais le souverain n'a qu'une obsession en tête : trouver la formule de l'immortalité. Tienfong tombe de son côté amoureux de la belle et désespérée Tong Yi (Gong Li), et devra choisir entre elle et sa loyauté envers l'empereur...

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Fichiers Fileserve/Filesonic interchangeables

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Chine, États-Unis

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Paprika (HD)

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Dans le futur, un nouveau traitement psychothérapeutique nommé PT a été inventé. Grâce à une machine, le DC Mini, il est possible de rentrer dans les rêves des patients, et de les enregistrer afin de sonder les tréfonds de la pensée et de l'inconscient. Alors que le processus est toujours dans sa phase de test, l'un des prototypes du DC Mini est volé, créant un vent de panique au sein des scientifiques ayant développé cette petite révolution. Dans de mauvaises mains, une telle invention pourrait effectivement avoir des résultats dévastateurs.

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Dual audio : français ou japonais | Sous-titres : français (inclus)
Note : Commentaire du réalisateur en piste audio 3.
700 Mo

HDRIP Bluray 720p | Mkv
Dual audio : français ou japonais | Sous-titres : français (inclus)
Note : Commentaire du réalisateur en piste audio 3.
2.5 Go

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photo coverage: Mario Maurer For Penshoppe @ Philippine Fashion Week 2012

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Here's my photo coverage of Mario Maurer walking on the runaway of Philippine Fashion Week 2012 Spring Collection. Mario Maurer is the new endorser for Penshoppe. I have lots of photos in my album, but I'll share here first.some of my okay shots of Mario. I'm glad that I got another winning shot of Mario on the runaway of PFW, he stared and smiled on my lens again. Congratulations again to Penshoppe.

more photos below


