TFT: Johnny Cash

Not every song thatwill be featured here will be what is generally considered as being “Christian”in the eyes of this world.  For some willbe anguished cries from the pit of despair, and others will be quite obviouslyferverent rants of rebellion. Nonetheless, be assured that they will all be of our Heavenly Father (inone way or another) and I hope that you have been given ears to hear themessage.

Folsom Prison Blues
Johnny Cash
I hear the traina-comin’
It’s rollin’ ‘roundthe bend
And I ain’t seenthe sunshine
Since I don’t knowwhen
I’m stuck in FolsomPrison
And time keepsdraggin’ on
But that trainkeeps a-rollin’
On down to SanAn-Tone

When I was just ababy
My mama told me son
Always be a goodboy
Don’t ever playwith guns
But I shot a man inReno
Just to watch himdie
When I hear thatwhistle blowin’
I hang my head andcry

I bet there’s richfolks eatin’
In a fancy dinin’car
They’re probablydrinkin’ coffee
And smokin’ bigcigars
Well I know I hadit comin’
I know I can’t befree
But those peoplekeep a-movin’
And that’s whattortures me

Well if they freedme from this prison
If that railroadtrain was mine
I bet I’d move itall
A little fartherdown the line
Far from FolsomPrison
That’s where I wantto stay
And I’d let thatlonesome whistle
Blow my blues away

A Boy Named Sue
Johnny Cash
Well my daddy lefthome
When I was three
And he didn’t leavemuch
To ma and me
Just this oldguitar
And an empty bottleof booze
Now I don’t blamehim
‘Cause he run andhid
But the meanestthing
That my daddy everdid
Was before he left
He went and namedme Sue

Well he might ofthought that it was quite a joke
And it got a lot oflaughs from a lot of folks
It seems I had tofight my whole life through
Some gal wouldgiggle
And I’d turn read
And some guy’dlaugh
And I’d bust hishead
I tell ya
Life ain’t easy
For a boy named Sue

Well I grew upquick
And I grew up mean
My fist got hard
And my wits gotkeen
I’d roam from townto town
To hide my shame
But I made me a vow
To the moon andstars
That I’d search thehonky-tonks
And bars
And kill that manthat give me
That awful name

Well it wasGatlinburg in mid-July
And I just hit townand my throat was dry
I thought I’d stopand have myself a brew
At an old saloon ona street of mud
There at a tabledealing stud
Sat the dirty mangydog that named me Sue

Well I knew thatsnake my own sweet dad
From a worn-outpicture that my mother had
And I knew thatscar on his cheek and his evil eye
He was big and bent
And gray and old
And I looked at him
And my blood rancold
And I said
My name is Sue
How do you do
Now you’re gonnadie

Well I hit him hardright between the eyes
And he went downbut to my surprise
He come up with aknife
And cut off a pieceof my ear
Then I busted achair right across his teeth
And we crashedthough the wall and into the street
Kickin’ anda-gougin’
In the mud
And the blood
And the beer
I tell ya
I’ve fought toughermen
But I really can’tremember when
He kicked like amule
And he bit like acrocodile
Well I heard himlaugh
And then I heardhim cuss
He went for his gun
And I pulled minefirst
He stood therelookin’ at me
And I saw him smile
And he said
Son this world isrough
And if a man’sgonna make it
He’s gotta be tough
And I know I wouldn’tbe there to help ya along
So I gave ya a nameand I said goodbye
I knew you’d haveto get tough or die
And it’s that name thathelped to make you strong
He said
Now you just foughtone hell of a fight
And I know you hateme
And you got theright to kill me now
And I wouldn’tblame you if you do
But ya ought tothank me before I die
For the gravel inya guts and the spit in ya eye
‘Cause I’m the sonof a bitch that named you Sue

I got all choked up
And I threw down mygun
And I called him mypa
And he called mehis son
And I came awaywith a different
Point of view
And I think abouthim
Now and then
Every time I try
And every time Iwin
And if I ever havea
Well if I ever havea boy
I think I’m gonnaname him
Or George
Or Bill
Or Tom
Anything but Sue
I don’t want himgoing ‘round
Being called Sueall of his life
That’s a horriblething
To do to a boy

Lyrics From: [Sweets Lyrics]

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