Trib Updates

This is a weeklyseries that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have beenpublished on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to gocheck out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a numberof truly outstanding authors.  Moreover,I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributingmember/author, as well.  The “Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near the top ofthe side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Yes, this series also included an “SOS! (SpamOn Saturdays)”  segment before, but itjust wasn’t working for me.  Therefore,that will be replaced by a republishing of one of the Trib articles.

[Why We Fight] is from Lavender Darwin with a video and some salient points.

[11:11]has some rather spooky observations from Lavender.

[Argumentum Ad-Populum] has Lavender justifying his practice of arguing with fence-posts.

[Outcry in China over hit-and-run toddler left in the street] has Lavender providing alink to a news story that is beyond shocking.

[WDW Pirates of the Caribbean – Ruined with the Johnny Depp Robot…] has Lavendertrying to prove (again) that he really was a fun-loving child.

[Oh How I Love Football] gives further proof that there is a good reason whyvasectomies should terrify Lavender.

[George Michael – Love is a Losing Game] provides evidence of what Lavender does whenmanly men watch football.

[Things Charles Darwin Missed, or, Why I am Not a Darwinist – Part #8: “Darwin Awards”]shows where Lavender likes to visit while listening to George Michael songs.

[The Flu Shot and the Grim Reaper] is one of the few pieces by Lavender that I can’tfind anything to pick on.

[When it’s time for Lavender Darwin to die…] is not another article by LavenderDarwin that I can’t find anything to pick on.

[Classless Acts] has me bemoaning the acceptance of street-punk behavior by footballplayers and coaches, and Lavender not getting it (still).

[Christians and Halloween (and Pastors who just shrug their shoulders)] is another Lavenderrant, and since he is probably serious about this one, I won’t smart-offanything.

Alittle over a week ago, I published a short review (of sorts) of [Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007)].  Since [Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)] and [Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)] are basically justregurgitations of what was addressed in the first one of the series, thisreview will be even shorter.

Well,it will actually have about the same word-count, but considering that it willbe covering two movies instead of just one, it is arguable that it will be evenshorter.  Don’t believe me?  Okay, let’s do the math.  Let’s see…divide pi (π)by the cube root of x (³√x) times… Shoot, my trusty old solar-powered Casio calculator just made an awfulsound and died.  So, you’ll just have toremove your shoes and socks to complete the computations on your own.

Anyway,there were some additional things to both movies that make them worth listeningto the rehashing of the old points.  In Addendum, some fairly deep economics isdiscussed, and in Moving Forward,some ways to save the human race from extinction are proposed.

Ifound it interesting that in MovingForward an effort was made to head-off questions about Marxism being thebasis for the movies.  For by claiming tonot have any political leanings means that it is not—right?

Thisis actually a shame to me.  For from whatI understand about pure Marxism, it would promote a paradise on earth ifimplemented properly.  Ah, but with usbeing who we naturally are, the only thing that can be counted on is more ofthe same miseries—regardless of what form they may take.

Thisis, of course, vehemently denied in the movies. For they promote the idea that we are all basically good at heart, andthat it is because of having to fight for survival because of religion and politicsthat life in this world is not all that it could be.  In fact, they even go so far as to claimthere would no longer be any need for laws (not to mention law enforcement!) ifthings are done right.

Nonetheless,the inhabitants of this world (at the time) will see some of the thingsproposed in the movies implemented before it is all over with.  For the antichrist will come to power on thepromise of peace and prosperity for all, and for the first three and a halfyears of his global rein, it will appear to happen.  Hey, we’re talking about clean air and water,abundant food supplies, the cure of most (if not all) diseases and love for oneanother abounding everywhere.

Itwill be a completely different story the last three and a half years, however.  You just wait and see (if you can stay alivefor another 144 years or so).

Inthe meantime, watch (or at least listen to) these movies.  The parts about capitalistic greed hitsparticularly hard for me after seeing our cable TV bill go up by around 50%with few other options being available to us at this time.  It is for this reason that this is the firstarticle by me here in over a week.  I’lltell you all about later on.

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