Come Monday...Gordon Ramsay

“Come Monday…” is aweekly series that will involve a review of, or commentary about,  websites, movies, documentaries, televisionshows, sports, music, and whatever else may tickle my fancy at the time.  Be assured that these reviews will begenerally positive, as in accordance to the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday.”  This is subject to change, however.  In fact, I would be most derelict in myduties to neglect going on a rant every once in a while.  For rants promote change, and change can begood—right?  Therefore, since good isgenerally considered as being a positive force in 99.3% of the paralleluniverses that I am aware of, even a rant could be considered as beingsomething positive, and a genuine hissy-fit would be even better (so I’m told).

Idon’t remember from where I heard it, but a quote from [Gordon Ramsay] hasstuck with me.  For it came soon afterthe American version of his [Hell’s Kitchen] became a smash hit over here, andthe quote had him saying something about him desperately wanting to get off oftelevision as soon as possible.

AmI missing something?  Is FOX holdingsomething over his head in order to keep him on prominent display in theirprimetime lineup?

Prominentdisplay is something of an understatement. For the ninth season of Hell’s Kitchen just ended on September 19th,and rebroadcasts of it are already being aired in primetime on Saturday nights.

Saturday(as at least some of you may realize) comes one day after Friday, which is whenthe American version of his [Kitchen Nightmares] is now in its fifthseason.  Just in case you are trying tokeep score at home, the fourth season ended in May of this year.

Oh,and let’s not forget about the American version of his [MasterChef].  The second season of that show ended in Augustof this year, and a third season is scheduled to begin next week.

Okay,I made up the part about the third season of the American MasterChef beginningnext week, but are you starting to get the picture?  For one can see a new episode of at least oneof Gordon’s shows more weeks than not in a given year, and this is not countingthe British versions of each show!

Itis said that credit should be given where it is due, and I suppose that shouldalso apply to blame.  Therefore, my wifeand I must stand accused.  For it was notfor people like us, maybe Gordon could realize his dream of getting off of theair for good.

Didyou notice that I did not say anything about him leaving the limelight?  For as they used to say about the BritishEmpire, the sun doesn’t set on his [restaurants], with several of them being [Michelin-Starred].  He also has his own [product lines], ofcourse.

Alas,I am compelled to also mention that he is a Scot.  For a certain element of my audience could beconsidered unhinged.  I refuse to sayanything about him starting out as a promising soccer player, however.

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